Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Welcome Is Made!
Have a nice fall
We want your fall to be as safe as possible.
Photo courtesy of Richard Purser.
Found in a hotel in Shanghai, China.
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Bathtubs are the only protection against the dreadful slippery pad. Many a hotel guest has perished while attempting to use the shower curtain instead.
500-yuan reward for the capture of that damn slippery pad.
Slippery when bathtub
CAUTION: Bathtub takes care to fall carefully!
Look up. Slippery pad likes to pounce from the ceiling and fall down on unsuspecting victims.
As long as slowly
Padded fall
Rinse, fall, repeat.
Translation: Don’t drop the soap!
the slippery pad is the bathtub version of the ipad and it kills people when they use it during shower times.
Set fire to the bathtub, see what happens, and don’t regret it!
The weapon upgrades and enemies in this RPG are really weird.
How was the trip?
Use the stairs to guard against the elevator, and takes care to setting fire!
He who, how he, heehhehehehe hoohoohohoo haw haaa.
Q. Do your private parts burn after sex?
A. Wouldn’t know. I’ve never tried to light mine.
GIRLS. If you are showering with your lover, and he soaps you up, then drops the soap.
NEVER bend down to pick it up, or you will find what “slippery” really means.
Forget the fall. I’ll bathe in th spring when the pad isn’t so slippery.
Yes, for God’s sake, whatever you do, please fall!
Falling is your only salvation.
That engrish takes care to FAIL.
Big Fat Cat: That would be the iSlip
No slippery pad! I won’t let you keep my balance!
Ouch! Thank you.
Bathtub is foretress of the icing pad.