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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
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With Donald Dujck
I look forward to it
Walk like an Egyptjan.
But make sure you duck.
Keep on trjuckin’.
Della Duck (Donald’s sister) is in a burka and therefore not pictured here.
Sea the dock.
Sea the docks as.
Why is Dewey holding a condom stuffed with cream cheese?
Somethjng’s not qujte rjght…
Happy New Engrjsh!
We Are The Knights Who say ‘Nj!’
Jinglish Rules, quack quack
A little by is sitting on he edge of a swimming pool, when he get pushed in by a little girl.This happens three times.
In frustration he yells out: “Do that again and I will duck you!”
The little girl replies: ‘Don’t be silly you can’t even pronounce it.’
Mr Mubarak: “The Egyptians are revolting.”
‘I know, I know. They all speak like Donald Duck.’
Being happy studying? It’s got to be either one or the other!
The success of this course is still at the start of the J curve.
Jjmjny Crjcket!
Welcome to Djsneyland
Iust Do Jt.
@72rd: Sponsored by Njke?
Josh, the english exchange student.
Got a hunch that the I in EngIJsh is not an L but an I (as in “me”). Then the big J would at least make sense (“ij” is one letter in Dutch, and so it is IJ when capitalized.) Why Dutch, what has to do with English or Egypt, and why capital IJ – no idea.
latest exhibit from the tomb of tutankhaman
This is how Donald Duck would spell English phonetically.
Hey Donald, is that pencil in a comfortable place?
If you think a duck can teach English you must be in de Nile.
the weirdest thing about this is that it’s not a book, it’s a curtain=like oblject
If chingrish is chinese engrish, I guess Engljsh is Egyptian engrish.
@ Droll not Troll: J would say so.
Egyptians: Learn English, pronounce it like Dutch.
Mee fayill Engljsh, howe sow !?
@ A Non y Mouse. It is not a condom full of cream cheese. It’s a duckin flashlight.
– Are you study Engljsh!
– Yes! Jam!
@Marum Looks more like half a croissant to me.