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posted on 31 Jul 2014 in Toiletries
Tired of all of those animal-based bath salts?
Photo courtesy of Greg.
Found in cosmetics shop in Sapporo, Japan.
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But not of Fukushima
But make have traces of minerals
Disclaimer: You may have the desire to kill people after consumption.
Don’t forget check out our other products endorsed by Captain Obvious.
It’s free of animal ingredients but it has lots of sharp metallic objects
WARNING: May include traces of excrements, of course
Yes, of course
A certain homeless man in Florida may disagree with that.
I hope so. I don’t need a bath full of weasel crap.
@Marum: Agreed. I get enough of that in my coffee !
Contains salts of Sodium. May spontaneously explode, without warning
“…completely free of animal ingredients.”
Unlike the Chinese version, which is tiger bone salts.
For a completely surreal experience, fill bath with Acetone Peroxide.
The old salty dog is officially out of a job.
…However, about 50 marigold flowers were brutally killed to make this product.
But more importantly, is it gruten free?
No animals were harmed or humiliated in the making of this product. Except for that slacker weasel we threw into the pot.
That’s a relief! All the piranhas in the last bath salts I used were a real downer!
@Marum | 6:23 am: That’s a cat-alyst, mate. Beware of animal products!
@DnT I was thinking of Sodium Azide. (NaN3. The gas forming agent which blows out and inflates your car’s air-bags
Sori. C9H18 O6 TCAP. Yeah. An acid catalyst. Which is a cat on LSD.
Is this a big problem in Japan … animal bits in your bath?
Bits of Krokodil?
Uhh, this isn’t Engrish at all. There are animal-derived ingredients in loads of bathroom products. Your shampoo or bodywash very likely contains glycerin (potentially from animal fat), lanolin (from sheep’s wool), urea (potentially from urine), beeswax or a number of other animal ingedients. Glycerin in particular is very likely to be in bath salts and could be animal or plant-derived, but there’s no way to know unless the company says. Clearly this is just a perfectly well-written vegan product.
You would be surprised how many things especially soaps that is made of animal related products……