Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
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My pet ants tell me they don’t have time for manicures.
It’s a testimony to the power of the human brain that you understand what they meant.
Hoist to your own Petard.
Hic! Prospashers will be treshecuted. Hic!
What have you got against the poor citizens of Imitetia? This is blatant discrimination!
Hi. I’m from Elinas in the Alpha Centauri star sysem. You know. The Earth like planet with three Suns.
Does an imternational Petant, apply to me?
I trided to made a good captain butt I catn stop raughing
How did they escape. I thought we wiped out the Imitetians during the Great Intergalactic War
Well, some of my best friends are petants!
This is what happens, when the signwriter drinks too much Petanque.
Mate in Chita?
Donut repraise thiese genuine prastic items with an inietician
Hi. I’m from the planet Elias. You know, the one with three suns. Doews an imitetional Patent apply to me.
How did they survive anyway? I thought we wiped out the Imitetians in the Third Intergalactic War.
Intamationel Petants?
God! What will those Catholic Priests get up to next?
Worst case of irritable vowel syndrome ever!
lokay wont imetatians
At least Frre Manicure set is spelt right
I’d neaver use imitrtians tow nael clieppers.
Made in Pandiego, Balifornia.
Hi. I’m from the planet Elias. You know, the one with three suns. Does an imtarmationel Patent apply to me.
How did they survive anyway? I thought we wiped out the Imitetians in the Third Intergalactic War.
Did you say: “Free paedophile Set?”
Ouer traneslaiton sreuvice is aslo free!
How can they afford lawyers to prasecute imitetions? It’s a FREE manicure set.
Jak się masz, my name-a Borat, I make intarmationel movie film!
They could have used a few pedants to help them with their “petants”
Well, you’ve been warned.
Manicures for pet ants? I didn’t think they even had fingernails! But they look so cute sitting in their tiny little salon chairs…
– No, Sir. A Fear Many-cars Tees Introcomfymental Pandieg until some petants, please.
Apparently they have a big problem with people who imitate free stuff.
Imitators will be persecuted as infidels and hang.
WARNIMG: Expremay dengerlus
You Have Been Warmed!
Maed in bonnie Scotland
Prasecutian also pandieg – hence non-existent – since the petants have not gone intarmationel yet ^_^
Coz if you make imitetians, we will rose money we get from giving these out for flee!
Violator will be prosecutedt to the full extent of the jam!
We wernid yuo.