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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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I think it’s ppoop in your language.
posted on 14 Jun 2014 in Chinglish
You don’t want to know why they call me that…
Photo courtesy of Matthew Gray.
Tissues found in China.
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I think it’s crap myself
Something about bears and what they do in the woods
Seems an appropriate use.
And I’m H-hello K-kitty, mice to meat you!
Ever since that day when she went to the toilet and the wrong part came back.
Daughter of Dung Wang Ho
Keep your eyes on the road. You’ll wipe out.
You’re looking a bit flushed.
Lucky there are other uses for facial tissues, then.
Tissues with issues
I’m the number two girl around here.
My name is Mmud -(Primus)
Mao Tse Dung’s daughter.
That’s all right mate. My name’s s–t with my wife too.
Admit it, We all get a little ddung faced every now and then.
I see Julia Gillard has recovered from the “nose job”.
Now all we need is some prosthetic ears for Rabbot.
She’s riding the pooter-scooter.
The new simplified Chinese alphabet, gives us the unfortunate change of the name; Tung to Dung.
“Common usage” is Hell in the Global Village we now live in. I will now embark on; eine lange Fahrt… Aufwiedersehen
Nice to meet you, my name is peediddy.
What’s bbrown and sounds like a bbell?
Hehe. Puts me in mind of the WWI stories of the Deutsche Luftwaffe. It was one German Fokker after another.
BTW. Have any of you Earthlings seen my Holographic Random Encryption Generator? I lost it somewhere in this spiral nebula, near your planet. I was taking it in for repairs.
You will soon pick it. It is transposing “H” and “T”,and doubling up “M” and “D”.
Reward offered for the return for the return of my HREG.= IC200.00
@Anon Y. A bbabbbboonn?
Geez. Try saying that fast ten times – or even once for that matter.
She looks like an alien too.
Probably a shape shifter.
1st alien: Being a shape shifter is great.
2nd alien: I know. Why?
1st alien: I transformed myself into a Tiger on Friday night after work, and made love to my wife 200 times over the weekend.
2nd alien: What did she say?
1st alien. Nothing. She just gave me a clout in the earhole with her paw, and sent me packing.
I hunt teddy-bears and behead them.
So you need at least 200 Bath.
ddddddat’s all folks.
wat ddat?
At least her name isn’t mud, because mud spelt backwards is “dum.”
Going by the ad. to the right on my computer.
This is something to do with having an Asian date.
@Garst. Ddum??
@72rd. If you have ddung on your wang, you have been going into all the wrong places. 👿
That bear does not look happy. Not that there is any reason to be happy when a cow-poo-named girl has cut off your face and mounted it on a Vespa.
so you and ppee both belong to the lloo
…and my name is, “You *#$!! little brat!”