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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Beware of things falling everywhere
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I always wear a helmet. I won’t be caught off-guard by the sky falling on my head!
If a pedestrian falls past you, I would suggest you take a firm hold onto something.
Reality perhaps?
Dr Lex. I always wear a hard-hat whilst mowing the lawn. But not because of the sky. We have Spur-wing Plovers.
Severe breaking of the head will get you 500 bath.
You will get them during your year in hospital.
Please always carry flamethrower to fight The Thing.
After I took a firm hold of the translator by the throat, I did not suffer from any more falling instructions.
If your thing falls on the ground, your legs have obviously shrunk after all those baths.
I’ve never seen a thing that hasn’t fallen, when I’ve finished with it.
I’m Charles Fort and I approved this message.
I paid attention, I fell the thing, but those strictlys always spoil every thing
Fall of the House of Things
The upper air has been identified as gases passed by high officials sitting above the cloud. They do hit hard on the pedestrian peasants.
It’s a wonderful thing to see you pass, pedestrian.
The Addams Family strikes again.
The air is falling! The air is falling!
If a pedestrian passing upper air can fall the thing, a pedestrian passing bottom air must be deadly!
Well just stand here then
Why does the passing pedestrian forbid strictly the stay? Shouldn’t that be up to the foreman?
Passing??? Oh, I thought it was Pi . Oh! Never mind.
Who’s Stricklys?