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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Wake God
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Shhh…He’s napping
I totally get it. I wan’t a large with extra brown.
Wake God? He’s pretty grumpy when he wakes up…you may want to reconsider.
I’m not gonna wake him. Get Moses to do it.
There’s something wrong with the coffee
I was taught to let sleeping gods lie.
They want to thaw Thor?
Our newest product — boiled hot coffee!
You might want to steer clear of the frozen brown. The last customer wasn’t too pleased, and made all sorts of thundering noises.
And if you want a little blasphemy, have we got a cuppa for you!
Wouldn’t a god drink deity coke?
I asked my Cantonese friend for milk but she told me she’s not lactating at the moment.
Starbucks is now officially everywhere, but don’t wake the manager.
Deus ex macchiato.
Coffee strong enough to wake God!
The Wake God is nothing to make waves about.
Our new line is heavenly.
@DNT. Only if the Deus ex machina is willing. (The Expresso Machine)
Cryogenic preservation of your Gods, must be a Cantonese cultural thingy.
Coffee available – Deo volente.
Tell God to get up while the coffee’s hot !
Baddest god in the whole damn town…
The Cantonese milk tea? WTF???
@Atli. I don’t think you could market a name like Leroy Christ. Just like Harold Christ.
As the kids say:
Our Father who art in Heaven,
Harold be thy name,
Or the drunk.
And forgive us our trespashers,
As we forgive proshpassershers who trespassher asainshush.
(Passes out through lack of oxygen)
Can God make a boiled coffee so hot even He couldn’t drink it?
If it wasn’t boiled hot coffee before, then what was it?
You like fries with that?
@Someone. Well. The term “Boiled Frozen Coffee” is an anachronism.
As the waitress said: Coffee, Tea, or Me?
Chocolate ice cream fit for Jehovah.
Holy frozen s**t! He is awake!
For Anglicans, Decaffinated God
God! This coffee is wake.
All products from the Cornucopia of Heaven.
Hehe. Look for the CoH label. (certified gluten free) May contain traces of nutcakes.
COH = Conucopia of Heaven. ® (Certified Gluten free) May contain traces of nutcakes.
Skaldi’s turds make for an excellent brew
12″ – 30.48cm
11″ = 27.94cm
01″ = 02.54cm
Waiter, Sleep god frozen orange, please!
Wake god and then all hell breaks loose !
I don’t know about God, but frozen brown would wake my ass!
What does God need with a coffee cup?
A mystic ritual shall be performed
Yup. It’s that strong.
Frozen brown, texture like sun…