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For the cannibal in all of us
Darling I thought you’d never ask
As used on the TV show MistressChef.
30 cm (11 inches) … That will put some lovin’ in the oven.
Is it better than the steamer from Cleveland?
@jjhitt Neare 12″ 1″ = 2.54cm thus 12″ = 30.8cm
I guess the HotPot is where the lover ends up, when she does a “slice n dice” job on him.
Actually Marum & jjhitt 30cm =11.81″ but why quibble over fractions
♫I’m Sweeney Todd the barber,
And wicked thoughts I harbour♫
@algernon. If you were falling off the roof, and you missed grabbing the gutter by one inch, it would count. —–Lots.
Maybe they mean Rover Hot Pot… but then why would they name a dog they were going to eat?
@Marum: If you’re getting it on, on the roof, you should use a safety harness! 😛
01″ = 02.54cm
12″ = 30.480cm
11″ = 27.940cm
Table: http://www.metric-conversions.org/length/inches-to-centimeters-table.htm
Marum don’t argue with me I’m a surveyor. Try 0.3 metres divided by 0.3048 or multiplied by 3.28084 then multiply that by 12 and you’ll get the answer.
@DnT. It appears that a young couple did just that. They were dioing the “horizontal mambo” on top of a highrise and fell off. (credit Darwin Awards)
Click on “Falling in love” on the right menu, – 2nd down , then “Falling in love on the left menu, 4th down.
Lover = Novel maybe? That’s the Engrish here.
@Algernon. And I’m a Nihilist. Look at a tape measure 1″ = 2.5400cm that is how I have been cutting steel for most of my life.
1″ – 2.5399996 cm: ergo 2.54cm….Table below: 0.E+0cm = 0.E+0inch and 0.E+0inch = 0.E+0cm 0.5cm = 0.196850002inch and 0.5inch = 1.26999998cm 1.cm = 0.393700004inch and 1.inch = 2.53999996cm 1.5cm = 0.590550005inch and 1.5inch = 3.80999994cm 2.cm = 0.787400007inch and 2.inch = 5.07999992cm 2.5cm = 0.984250009inch and 2.5inch = 6.3499999cm 3.cm = 1.18110001inch and 3.inch = 7.61999989cm 3.5cm = 1.37794995inch and 3.5inch = 8.88999939cm 4.cm = 1.57480001inch and 4.inch = 10.1599998cm 4.5cm = 1.77165008inch and 4.5inch = 11.4300003cm 5.cm = 1.96850002inch and 5.inch = 12.6999998cm 5.5cm = 2.16534996inch and 5.5inch = 13.9699993cm 6.cm = 2.36220002inch and 6.inch = 15.2399998cm 6.5cm =… Read more »
@Algernon. Are you master of all you survey? 😀
Marum for all intensive purposes 30cm=12″ but have a look at t a tape measure and you’ll see that 30cm looks suspiciously like a little more than 11 3/4″. QED
@Algernon. Yep. I’m a Motor Maniac, and later, as a career of choice an engineer in electronics (computers/hardware)
♪ ♪
I don’t want to be buried
In a Pot Sematary …
Lover to uncover
eleven and three quarter inches 11.75″
30cm = 11.81″
to be dead accurate 1″ – 2.53999994inches
Therfore 12″ -= 30.48cm less 12 X 0.00000004cm
Also called ” Cockpot”
@72rd. I don’t want to be buried in cementary boots.
Once you’ve seen one damned fish, you’ve seen them all :ahast: . 😮
I would rike to buy a Clockpot prease.:angel:
EDIT; 1inch = 2.5399999’cm.
EDIT 1″ = 2.53999996cm
– I can feel the heat. Whatcha cookin’ in there?
– I’m just making some hot love!
:devil: my shift key has to be held down firmly to work.
As the actress said to the vicar. I give in.:twisted:
My lover is now an angel. o:-
Ozzie bucco. o:-)
Gutpela Kai.:*
I found my lover was not true,
So I made him into stew,
I put him in the pot,
With onions and the lot,
And put him on the dinner menu.
If it fits – I’m astonished. 😛
Is this a crotch pot?
LOL @ the petty bickering over measurements
Sweetie, I decided you serve you your favorite dish: ME! <3
@Marum: The smileys only appear if you use the correct names and leave a space on either side, otherwise the engine doesn’t know it’s supposed to generate any.
I think the aghast you’re trying is called eek, I’ll give it a go: 😮
I’ll try a few more: 🙄 💡
That was a surprise. Even mrgreen works here!
Sorry, I don’t have a link to the site where I got the smiley instructions all those years ago but anyone who cares to google something like “html smileys” will probably find them. The really fancy ones probably don’t work on this site, though.
It was on clearance and was, in fact, the last of the red lover hot pots.
@szk. I have known engineers to have stand up fights over .0005 of an inch. (half a thousandth). Pretty important when you are designing internal combustion engines etc. .0005 can make them “external combustion” engines.
That is ~127um. Pretty damn tiny although there are a few places where it would make a difference
But for the purposes of a joke, there is no reason for pettiness
But buyer dinner first.