Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Share a pleasant Engrish with vigor
From our can to your bucket
Let me open a can of whoop-a… never-mind
Photo courtesy of Casey McKown.
Found in baby formula aisle in Guizhou, China grocery store.
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Comes with a t-shirt.
Please tell me that this is the Chinese version of Pedialyte…
Isn’t that feces are discharged from the bowel frequently and in a liquid form
I’m surprised it didn’t come in a brown tin
I’ll take two of these, and also a 12 pack of Squirt, TO GO….
Well the baby will after this
Where were you when the sh*t hit the can?
Can’t be much left in stock, they’ve been having a run on it.
– No sh*t, Mommy?
That’s appropriate; the bottom of the can has a red ring.
Why wait for your baby to produce it, if you can just buy it in a can?
Chinese rip-off of Campbell Soup
Limited time free offer: buy two cans of Diarrhoea®, get one can of Vomit® for free!
Wissun Industries
From: President
To: Marketing
See me.
@jjhitt: The president’s first question: “What a**hole is responsible for this?”
It will give you runs for your money…
I prefer mine worm, fresh from a bowl, with bits of toilet pepper
– Best before flushing the toilet
– Recycle regularly
– Do not litter
CAUTION: May contain traces of Salmonella
The plot to sell more diapers could not be more obvious.
♪ ♫
When you’re shopping in Guizhou and you find a product new… ♪ ♫
Customer: “Excuse me sir, where can I find Diarrhoea, by Whizzin’?
Store Employee: “Ummmm…the restrooms are in the back of the store, by aisle 4.”
Empty cans available in the DIY aisle.
Can do it.
I trust all Wissun brown market products.
Now, you’re cooking with gas…from indigestion.
It brings a new meaning to sh!tcan
That’s what I get for eating an entire platoon of those characterless
American Angus ribs!
@72rd. Not all that different to Campbell’s soup then.
With Wissun, the brown liquid will be pissun.
For every turd can you get one free.
@pasdrole. That’s pissible, methane is a great fuel. About 6 Cows could power your whole house, as far as heating and lighting goes.
This just the thing if you have a dire ear.
Well. This food sure as hell isn’t bland.
@ Marum: Yep – both are poisoned, bloody mess!
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
If it isn’t sh*t, it isn’t Wissun!
Wissun used to be a solid company!
Unbelievable. A new Engrish category is born.
sorry, but i prefer mine extra-chunky
It’s the circle of food: from our can to your cup; from your cup to your bowl; from your bowl to our can!
♪♫ the best part of waking up… is diarrhea in your cup! ♪♫
If you can sell this, you can sell the Tea Party platform.
@Jim S. Is this the word usage you want?
(The Great Australian Adjective!) A.B. (Banjo) Patterson.
The Great Australian Adjective
The sunburnt “bloody” stockman stood
And, in a dismal “bloody” mood
Apostrophized his “bloody” cuddy
The “bloody” nag’s no “bloody” good
He could’nt earn his “bloody” food
A regular “bloody” brumby,
No need to add water
@Pasdrole. As for HEATING, and lighting. I was referring to Qld.(tropical/subtropica) Not snow country, as in most of the USA for the winter last.
Heating?? Uhhh?
“I’d rather topple a pyramid of flimsy cans filled with wissun diarrhoea, face-first!”
Sounds like something the AVGN would say.
@RT: Good one! Looks like you and I are the only ones reminded of the Diarrhea Song. 😀
I was expecting many more rhyming comments on this post.
A product that doubles as a laxative. Who needs prunes when you have this!
The Chinese wording indicates that this is a product to be eaten when the baby is suffering diarrhea, it doesn’t actually cause diarrhea but the packaging is misleading especially to non-Chinese readers.