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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Tight Dependence Engrish.
Because she-male sounded insensitive
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I am getting a suspicion that someone just peeled off and swapped the M and F, which would explain the poor alignment…
… although it would imply that “female” was originally printed under the Chinese male, therefore it may have been an attempt at a fix instead of a prank.
well it could be for she-it or a he-it
Suppose you use the fale toilets for a number 2
Hah! I knew there had to be one!
This ones running. The other had crossed legs
Ignore the sign and you can tell urine the right place.
Th-th-th-that’s it, folks!
Me male, you fale!
@ algernon: It must be one of those “imperialist running dogs”.
Both signs should simply say ‘Mammal Toilet’
– Look Ma, no doors!
OK, I take back my comment from yesterday. Looks like someone over there is a joker.
On the other hand, those urinals look pretty low to the ground, so maybe this restroom is only for bald-headed little guys who hold their pinkies up to the corners of their mouth.
If wemen fale, a feman memale can still go Number Three
Memale – the Beard knows they are strong
Looks like someone got the hose again.
Memale. Yourinal.
This one like male, but have funny bumps on front.
@Stopchicks: I don’t think it is a joke. I think the following happened:
– Hey Cheng, a tourist told me that the English translations have been swapped. We should fix this.
– Hmm, I don’t know any English at all. In Chinese, we would only need to swap the first characters, so this will also work in English, right?
Doesn’t anyone wash their hands?
On memales yams and yachts.
This bloke had been on a desert island for years since he was a boy, and had never seen a female. One day a yacht full of female yachties arrived on the island.
One lady thinking this will be a novel experience, decides to show him what sex is. Meanwhile, her companions, having been ‘drummed up” on what was about to ensue, watch from behind the bushes, trying to suppress their giggles.
When they have finished, she says: “How was that?”
He says: ‘Great! But look what it has done to my yam digger.”
It only makes sense after the last one
I see what you did there.
Figures that egotists need their own restroom.
Our female: memale@urinal.cow
Am I the only one here that’s bothered by the fact that the bathroom doors are made of glass and that there are no sinks in either restrooms?
Oh, now the last one makes sense.
– Who is it?
– It’s me, male!
1. Male
2. Female
3. Fale
4. Memale
Me male, you Jane
Preeze you iriots! This ergonomically designed board room for up and coming Me generation executive. Show some lespect for the office where all the big knobs will hang out one day!
Where’s the She-Male toilets?
Ask Bruce or Caitlyn!