Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Bring Love Engrish
Right over here…
…then I exit.
Photo courtesy of Matthew Morrison.
Found at men’s room in gas station in Dunhuang, China.
Likely meant “please aim carefully”.
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© 1999 - 2025 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
Gives you a warm, wet feeling doesn’t it.
Nothing like a bit of fresh air urination.
I’d be more worried about the blind mullets
… right on cue, and gets the balls all wet.
and the shirt comes out of your mouth
… and the huang is dun.
NASA Tang Exhibit — Phase 1.
… from the high diving board.
…followed by the Baby Ruth bar.
… or else it gets the hose again.
…and the gas exits station
In a gas station restroom, the piss IS the pool.
Next event, Stroke breast free style.
It pisses me off
It enters pool because urinal is not deep enough
Urine trouble now.
Never Miss Incontinence
Mr Peebody and Sherman was here.
This is rule #1.
– Mommy, look, it’s a swimming poo!
Gotta get that floor drain fixed…
Well, that’s no “ool.”
Swim and must know at pee
Welcome to our PPPOOL
You will notice that there are extra pees in our pool, let’s keep it that way.
Saves on heating costs and keeps the water level nice and high.
(Poolboy notices the piss and approaches. They meet at center stage.)
Poolboy: So. We meet again.
Number One: It enters pool
Number Two: It enters poo
and the Beard knows
The piss enters pool,
the poop enters kitchen.
We recycle!
On one of the routes I frequently use going to work, I pass a Community Centre. A second entrance proclaims (in raised white letters on a dark background), ” Public Pool “.
With a small strip of dark tape, someone easily changed this to ” Public Poo! “.
Soon fixed, but I still laugh as I drive by.
Wait, it is actually, ” Swimming Pool “
Our Plumber hooked the water inlet, to the sewerage outlet.
Because it knows boweling sucks
We aim to please. You aim too please.
That’s a piss poor excuse, what a pisser!
It most certainly does. Too hard to get out to go to the restroom
Just one of those wee extras that we provide at no extra charge, most places make you spend a penny for the privilege.