Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for Suddenly Laugh
Comes already warm
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Are they taking the piss
Taste better with lemon
Passed by the Board of Health.
Warmly recommended by Miss Urine Tester USA.
We were better off when the piss entered the pool.
Available in stainless steel or porcelain flavour.
Goes nicely with a hot dog
I prefer mine in a bowel
Ah, bloody piss pots, always pissed!
Well, the name is appropriate. I don’t speak Czech, but from my knowledge of some other Slav languages, the Czech part says “Takes care of the health of the urinary system”. Apparently some medical tea.
Drink it while it’s still hot.
Mmm … A cup of pee!
You have to drink it standing up.
Part of the Bear Grylls survival pack.
bring your own tea bag.
They used to tell travelers “Don’t drink the water”.
Now it’s “Don’t drink… anything… ever”.
P T?! Y P T?
Brews at body temperature!
That’s the main reason I just piss in the sink.
Don’t leave it around — it starts collecting cigarette butts and boogers.
To be, or not to be, that is the question—
Whether ’tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
Or to slurp up a Sea of rising Urine,
And by gulping end it?
That is the trouble with Communist Regimes:
Either urine or ureout.
Urinal Hot Drink: The tea that will suit you to a “P”.
CAUTION: Never miss the urinal
How come, in the age of Digital Cameras, which do everything automatically except wipe your bum, so many photos are still out of focus?
Infused with essence of urinal cake
Best contained in a bowel . . . but then it will eventually get in the urinal, so it won’t matter anyway.
Drink pee and see!
Wee are close.
Urine for a good time.
I remember drinking this one time when “Danny’s Song” came on the radio.
Ahh… memories.
You work your nuts off everyday
A proud American all the way
Life is just a merciful blur
When you pop a Pißwasser
Pißwasser, this is beer
Drive drunk off a pier
I love drinkin’ all day long
I beat my girlfriend as I sing this song
PIßWASSER: Cheap German lager for export only
Enjoy with a side of corn or peanuts!
to be fair the subtitle clearly states it is a medication for taking care of your urinary tract. The naming is a bit unfortunate to say the least though 😉
Source: native czech speaker
Hate to ruin the fun, but this is not a toiletry and neither a case of Engrish. This is an over-the-counter medicinal drink with cranberry extract for treatment/prevention of the urinal tract infections. If in doubt, Google can confirm that.
Get it while it’s hot, it’s luverly!