The price is steep.
Photo courtesy of Benjamin Johnston. Found in Xi’an, Shaanxi, China.
The midlife crisis sign – do you get an MBA, a BMW, or just another six pack?
Old bombs go to the left. Bad guys to the right. Elderlies please go down.
I could use an upgrade of person. I’ve been feeling a bit Windows 8 lately.
Either you get an upgrade or watch crash.
You’re an obsolete version and not compatible
But no upgrade of monkeys
Is it a girl sign or a boy sign
♪ ♫ Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz? ♪ ♫
Upgrade of Car – where you will find the Interceptor
In case you haven’t figured it out, you’re over the hill.
Which way is Upgrade of Spouse?
Pimp my person.
♫ There’s a lady who’s sure all that’s grittering is gold And she’s buying an uprgade to heaven. ♫
Some prankster reversed the sign. Now my car is smarter than me and I have chrome hubcaps mounted to my legs.
Either get upgraded or it’s all downhill from here.
pride comes before watch crash…
Please test the Beta Trail
Up the hill is prohibited by Elevator
I looking for the over the hill sign.
Daleks, turn left; Cybermen, turn right; humans, back the way you came.
CAUTION: Fall down the hill carefully, then upgrade carfully
What to do with your graduation money… Buy that cool car you wanted, use it for college tuition and books, or spend it all on pot?
– Excuse me, could you tell me which way to go from My Wife 1.01 to the nearest Very Beautiful Young Woman Of The Opposite Sex 1.4?
I think I’ve found the perfect vacation spot to take the wife AND the minivan!
Hello, tech support? I’m having trouble installing this upgrade!
Too bad I can’t upgrade my self and my car at the same time.
[self upgrade];
Is there a Betty version?
wife = Lover, with all the fun and adventure removed. :<
Human XP is not supported anymore. Please go right to upgrade to Human 7 or Human 8, or please go down to upgrade to Human Vista.
Turbo guy with a 16-hardcore microprocessor and 64 gigabytes of REM (or RIM) . . . anybody?
Go down the hill and be degraded
Jack and Jill went up the hill To upgrade their toboggan Jack fell down, then went uptown To upgrade his poor noggin.
Upgrade person into God – just book a hotel room!
Juuust Joking. It’s all downhill from here for you. As if you didn’t know.
But you can stay here for a minute to watch others get upgrades.
To upgrade of person – don’t go over the hill. That is why we no arrow up for you, you see.
No, sorry I would prefer a clean install!!
Welcome to Church of Upgrade. You no upgrade, you go down the hill. Hill very hot place.
The Chinese translation of the Grand old Duke of York makes no sense at all.
The midlife crisis sign – do you get an MBA, a BMW, or just another six pack?
Old bombs go to the left. Bad guys to the right. Elderlies please go down.
I could use an upgrade of person. I’ve been feeling a bit Windows 8 lately.
Either you get an upgrade or watch crash.
You’re an obsolete version and not compatible
But no upgrade of monkeys
Is it a girl sign or a boy sign
♪ ♫ Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz? ♪ ♫
Upgrade of Car – where you will find the Interceptor
In case you haven’t figured it out, you’re over the hill.
Which way is Upgrade of Spouse?
Pimp my person.
♫ There’s a lady who’s sure all that’s grittering is gold
And she’s buying an uprgade to heaven. ♫
Some prankster reversed the sign. Now my car is smarter than me and I have chrome hubcaps mounted to my legs.
Either get upgraded or it’s all downhill from here.
pride comes before watch crash…
Please test the Beta Trail
Up the hill is prohibited by Elevator
I looking for the over the hill sign.
Daleks, turn left; Cybermen, turn right; humans, back the way you came.
CAUTION: Fall down the hill carefully, then upgrade carfully
What to do with your graduation money…
Buy that cool car you wanted, use it for college tuition and books, or spend it all on pot?
– Excuse me, could you tell me which way to go from My Wife 1.01 to the nearest Very Beautiful Young Woman Of The Opposite Sex 1.4?
I think I’ve found the perfect vacation spot to take the wife AND the minivan!
Hello, tech support? I’m having trouble installing this upgrade!
Too bad I can’t upgrade my self and my car at the same time.
[self upgrade];
Is there a Betty version?
wife = Lover, with all the fun and adventure removed. :<
Human XP is not supported anymore. Please go right to upgrade to Human 7 or Human 8, or please go down to upgrade to Human Vista.
Turbo guy with a 16-hardcore microprocessor and 64 gigabytes of REM (or RIM) . . . anybody?
Go down the hill and be degraded
Jack and Jill went up the hill
To upgrade their toboggan
Jack fell down, then went uptown
To upgrade his poor noggin.
Upgrade person into God – just book a hotel room!
Juuust Joking. It’s all downhill from here for you. As if you didn’t know.
But you can stay here for a minute to watch others get upgrades.
To upgrade of person – don’t go over the hill.
That is why we no arrow up for you, you see.
No, sorry I would prefer a clean install!!
Welcome to Church of Upgrade. You no upgrade, you go down the hill. Hill very hot place.
The Chinese translation of the Grand old Duke of York makes no sense at all.