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Maoling Museum Looperation
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Your looperation in keeping the children from relieving themselves on the flower s and plants will be a treasure for the country.
What is this desigrated smoking rea, perhaps I’ll take the good car
Our webs ite : w . w. vv . loop eration . co m
Can I vring bipers?
It’s healthier to smoke inside the desigrated area than the touristarea? The desigrated area is a magic place!
Hullabaloo is permitted however..
It doesn’t go into the exhibion hall.
I really want to rub your stones.
e to Word Wra
p Histori
cal Park
Threw me for a loop.
No access to visitors who do not bring their own rake, pruning shears, and watering can.
Do not let your children relieve themselves at any place, not even the toilet. Just wait until they explode.
I think smokers feel desigrated now…
Revising in january 2000 and still not completed in 2014.
There is certainly more than taking pictures; take a good car for example…
Could I rub on the stones just once? Please? I promise I’ll behave myself after that!
Don’t spit AND litter. Hmmm. Does that mean I can pick one or the other?
This sign is the result of y2k.
7. Laption is not made at here .
Revising in February , 2014
rubbing on stones not allowed but rubbing on soft lady is okay.
Remember to keep quiet playing those instruments, or no ballgames for you(rule #6)!
Also, where might one take looperation lessons?
I filled my pockets with the relics since they did not say which country.
Save spit and litter for the locals.
Looperation? Is Bruce Willis going to suddenly appear in the museum?
Only quiet playing instruments are prohibited. Noisy ones are OK.
I only came here to make mad love to my lady, on the stones. Is that classed as a rubbing?
– I swear, Officer, I didn’t vring anything, just looperated: I, Don Yuan, played orchestral instruments in the touristarea very loudly to get a permission for a prohibited ball game, took great car of children, flowers and plants – you know, not all owed them – and then I suddenly exploded in the desigrated smoking, a Rea Xi Juan – my wife – spontaneously combusted, and so I believe my kids are happily not touching, rubbing and relieving themselves all over my historcal ybody!
I’m pretty sure taking good care of you children is law, sign, no need for you to reiterate it here, unless you’re also going to mention the UDHR.
Climbing on Stones is prohibited because they’re getting old. Please climb on younger rock stars.
Do you really want to smoke?
Do you want to smoke with a capital W?
@GwydionM : Good, I vrought my vagpipes!
And I vrought my Dutch tourists, and a brain surgeon specializing in “looperations”.
First you stop me carving Mickey Mouse on the building, then you tell me to leave my nitro-glycerine outside! What kind of museum is this?
No explosives? I can understand not allowing me to smoke, but I demand my right to detonate!