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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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What a cute pair of 3’s you have
Whatever and day but Manday
Today is Manday, February 33th.
Manday is the 33rd of which month?? Who decided that, a bunch of feminists?
You can only do it he way when she’s not looking at you.
If Manday gets to 33&frac13 it will be some kind of a record.
33 &frac13 ?
Dammit, 33 and a third.
Apparently html doesn’t recognise thirds. 🙁
testing: 33⅓
Here’s looking at you he way whatever, kid. Take 33.
Take this lump of sugar baby you know you want it
Manday is looking at the Development in the shirt behind.. Whatever.
and the T-shirt behind the 33.. look at the part of the body which is developing and you will be slapped.
I always wear pink on Manday.
Dear Diary: this is Manday 33. Starting to feel a little sore.
Just another monic Manday
Manday is under construction
When is Womanday? I’m tired of banging all these men!
33 huh? Must be some sore of wierd Masonic thing.
I wonder what’s developing in that shirt behind it…….
Monday? Mayday? Mandalay?
You that read wrong.
Designed by WOO MAN
Position 33 fr4om the Kama Sutra. Standing from behind. 8/10
Hmm. In position 33 she could not be looking at you. Except in a mirror.
My favourite #46 The Fold. 11/10
♫♪ Oh Manday, well
You came and you gave and I’m looking
But at you 33 he way
Oh, Manday, whatever
Manday; Sheday: Homsday; Transday; Biisday, Lebsday; Softday.
This shirt is located next to the Wenchday 69 shirts…
♫ Thirty-three is a magic number ♫
From the discount rack at Kohl’s.
Manday, Manday, (la la, la la la la)
Can’t trust that day, (la la, la la la la)
Manday, Manday, sometimes it just turns out he way…
And this is my United States of whatever!
33% man / 33% woolman
– Do not ever
– What separately
She’ll do it he way
(Tell me why)
I don’t like…Mandays
I wanna shoot the hole day down.
“Here’s lookin’ at you, man.”
so manly, we had to add 3 days to your month to fit it in.
I hope the striped shirt reads “Developmental”. That would be 50% developed, 50% mental.
Hey, folks, what’s with voting up my bungled crap with the thirds thing? 😕 Oh well, if you’re entertained, who am I to tell you what to like?
Anyway, some of the captions from other posters that I up-vote don’t get many other votes either.
To other posters: You’ve put some funny stuff on this page, IMO.
My Man is called Mond . . .