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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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You had me at barking…
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This dish is a chimera.
What came (fried) first, the meat or the breast?
Some of my breast frieds are deer
The Force is strong with this chef
Squeaking law fish flied Fawlty titties
It’s probably flambéed deer; when ignited it usually does “woof”…
This agency prides itself on a well done job…
To all:
Happy the New Year! without permission will be prohibited and has you declined punished discontinenced,, enjoying fish not permission the law. Otherwise –
Oh, deer!
Yours Crisp etcetera,
Age 2014
PS: Keep the cockroach’s the room
Happy New Deer!
Mmm, genetically engineered meat straight from the “agency”.
Time to open another X file.
I’ll bet it’s fbarking deer too.
Yeah! I usually charge by the inch.
Barking Deer! In Oz we call them dogs.
Except for the Meow Meow Labbit.
KFD = Sounds like; Kentucky Barking Deer.
DOGGY STYLEE $100.00 BARKING $10.00 extra.
@Lollerskate. The meat of course.
I don’t think breasts ever come.
Just the thing for new year
Nice puppies!
How deer is it? Only a buck, or a lot of doe?
Deer: ‘Arf! Bark!’
Fish: ‘Law! Law!’
Lamb: *silence*
I assume this menu is from India. They actually have an animal there called a barking deer.
Dunno if they have a breast agency, but I’m willing to investigate.
“So, Fido and Bambi walk into this titty bar….”
Honey, your fried breasts have my deer meat barking. Know what I mean? Nudge, nudge?
I would bark too, when I would see such breasts.
This is what I was going to name my new band.
Mickey: Another name for Mr. Wrong Jr. Thanks!
You have to watch those Agency meals. You think you are getting fresh temps, and often you end up getting older redeployed car salesfolk. Or worse still, insurance agents. I’m still picking oily sinew out of my teeth from the last one.
Lots of variety and mystery in one dish. How can you go wrong?
The breast Agency is definitely the place where to meat a deer fried. But I’d prefer a non barking one.
Only ask for barking deer meat, if the Fried Breast Agency approved it.
There is barking deer, Indian muntjac (also known as the mammal with the smallest number of chromosomes). But fried breast agency? Abbreviated FBA, so that people mistake it for FBI?
I’m impressed that the Chinese translation managed to fit whatever-this-is into 4 syllables.
AKA dog
Freeze! Federal agents, BDMFBA!
The “barking deers” is indeed not a mistake, its the common name for “muntjacs”, a family of deer species living in the South East Asia, the common “Yellow Muntjac” that is commonly known as the “Barking Deer” is often caught and served in Thailand.
WorrierPrincess, the Chinese translation did not actually translate the “breast” in it, but it is possible to further reduce to 3 characters as the “barking deer” do get a single character word in Chinese but usually used in more proper scientific publications, so a longer general common name was used here.
It’s Massachusetts bureaucracy run amok!
The box of novelty holiday pet antlers I spotted in the kitchen has me a bit suspicious.
Dear Deer,
Since when hath thou crossed with a K9 ?
what’s that bambi? timmy fell down a well?
Given the infamous 干 appears, I was expecting “F*ck to fry the deer breast.”
That was one strange deer….