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I’ll never use a fork again…
My chopsticks split up a long time ago…
Photo courtesy of Lane Hardy.
Chopsticks box found in China.
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Thanks I’ll have a beer instead.
Oh the Yin and Yang of Mandarin Ducks Chopsticks and fascinated intoxication.
If your chopsticks go “quack” and crap on your plate, you know what brand they are.
The Chinese doesn’t look right
That’s the Yuan ‘n Yang of it.
Honest, officer, I haven’t been drinking. I was just chewing on these fascinating chopsticks.
Buy YunHong chopsticks for no money down. They’ll send you the orange bill later.
I always eat Peking duck with chopsticks.
If it looks like a chopstick, swims like a chopstick, and quacks like a chopstick, then it probably is a chopstick.
They fly together and stop together . . . in mid-air?!
This whole thing is a pair’o’ducks.
– Waiter, where’s the other chopstick?
– In a minute, Sir. They just divorced.
@Seventy2rd o clock: When that happens…. DUCK!
@ Droll not Troll: Then . . . CHOP!
– Duck with Yang; Duck with Yuan; Duck Divorce.
– What’s ‘Duck Divorce’?
– Er… that’s Duck without Yuan or Yang.
Always consider ducks.
I’m sorry, but I’m having a real hard time picking up my beer with these damn chopsticks.
I’m intoxicated and find this perfectly fascinating.
I want to hear mandarin ducks play “Chopsticks ” on the piniao.
Heh, the Chinese is turned by 90 degrees and looks a bit like Sumerian cuneiform.
As for ducks and chopsticks – well, duch love at least produces new ducks, but what do we get from chopstick love?
duck love*
NOTE: Ducks are sold separated
@alexmagnus: Chopstick love is what makes toothpicks. 😉
Uh…could you get me a fork, please?
Never mind. I wasn’t really hungry.
Mmmm. Taste the jellied duck’s web.
Give us a break — they’re just chopsticks.
The movie version will be coming soon to a theatre near you. Starring Gong Li and Jackie Chan.
Our slogan: ”THERE IS NO SPOON”
Stuff love. I wonder what they taste like?
Q. How do you know you are in love?
A. When she slaps you on the bum and says: “You’re in. Love.”
– Mommy? Why are you eating duck with a Chapstick?
@Mr Wrong. No! You gettee fork outa here.
I don’t mind her using a chapstick.
As long as the chap is me.
Darling, I’m going to play a love song on the piano for you – Chopsticks.
Welll. So much for duckin love.
Look here mate. I don’t give a rat’s about duck in love. I’m bloody hungry.
Oh no, when I licked the chopsticks, did I intrude? Did it cause any discomfort or misunderstanding?… I am so sorry, love birds!
Nice sentiment, but chopsticks don’t work if they’re always together. To function they must separate and return.
My chopsticks are more like dogs. They are stuck together.
Once fascinated, I’m now famished.
But keep the chopsticks, I’ll need a spoon for my Mandarin duck soup !
M R Ducks
M R Knot
M R Too C D Yellow Mouths?
M R Chopsticks
They should name male duck ‘Don Yuan’ and female duck ‘Too Yang To Fry’
Man! The rice isn’t the only thing here that’s mushy.
I should check out the divorce rate of my socks.
The translator must have been intoxicated when he wrote this.
Once upon a time two identical sticks fell in love with each other but some jealous bigot decided to chop them apart, so now we have the chopsticks, separated but still living and functioning together as a pair . . .
Still a better love story than Twilight.
Waiter! These chopsticks don’t look like ducks at all.
Just a moment, sir; I’ll bring you the bill.