Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Just I want your here.
Obvious building will explain it to you
Also the door does not allow passage when it is closed.
Photo courtesy of Julian Fletcher.
Spotted in China.
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Well that explains everything
The sign does not make sense because of its nonsense.
Obviously malfunctions a lot
due to malfunction there will be no safety exit too
That sign is redundant because it tells the same thing twice.
When endless screw goes out of control
I tawt I taw a tautology!
Hasten quickly to the tautology exhibition display.
Go home, facility
I Han Malefactor approve this sign.
CAUTION: Never stand up to sit down
We will fix the facility by mending its malfunction.
You can say that again!
The employees don’t work, because of the maledictions of the Union.
@DNT. Once more.
It’s déjà vu all over again.
Instruction to malfunction:
1. Repair the facility
2. When it works, carefully remove the malfunction
They accidentally an unintentional.
It might have been on strike…
CAUTION: Contains missing parts
The greatest snafu, starts with a single malfunction. (Mao Zedong)
Yu rike flies with that?
Pop goes the weasel ’cause the weasel goes pop.
Facility? I thought her name was Felicity.
The items we manufacture are portable when carried.
The Engrish is funny because it is humorous.
I’m glad they cleared that up.
expert in the bleeding obvious
A division of Ob-Vee International.
The exact same reason that I take Cialis.
Like ‘boys will be boys’ or ‘moms will be ladies’ ?
captain obvious
The inconvenience is here because there is no convenience.
I don’t think they have any intention of fixing the malfunction… the sign is carved in stone!
Some people cannot read because they’re illiterate.
I’d say Washington should hang that sign at the front door of the Senate building, but hopefully we still have a few years before our federal buildings are adorned with Chinese characters.