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I can touch my own rick but I can’t bite it; I’m not that flexible.
At least it’s Rick and not Johnson.
While touching my own rick, I noticed I have the crabs.
OK Rick what else do you offer.
With all the overfishing going on in the world, it’s pretty easy to see live seafood taking extreme measures like sexual harassment.
♪ ♫
Not, not, not responsible
Not, not, not responsible
We can’t answer for the things in this tank
I said we’re
Not, not, not responsible
Not, not, not responsible
If you touch your rick and start to w…. ♪ ♫
in other words, they’re not responsible if you go blind.
SEAFOOODS? I think the sign maker came into contact with a crab!
When I have to touch my own Rick, I am not responsible for your injury as well.
Rick Must Be Satisfied
My name is Dick, so…
Just Rick bein’ Rick.
Yeah, touch your own Rick. Stay away from mine.
I tried biting my own rick, but I injured my back. Then it occurred to me that I would have been injured anyway if I would have been successful. I can see why they deny responsibility.
They misspelled crap!
If you like to be touched, please move over to our Octopus section, Bozo, the friendly Octopus, is an expert in touching your Rick but we are not responsible for your injury either.
I know touching my Rick keeps me from getting crabby.
I’ve heard of a silent P , not an invisible one.
What Rick said when the seafooods bit him.
This live crap show is also available on a Compact Dick
Rick is well-known for his catchphrase: “SEAFOOOOODS!!!”
Do you serve rickrolls?
My name is Richard. Only my friends can call me Rick.
Every time I seafood I get crabby and dammit Rick, touch your own, we’re in a restaurant!
@Frank Burns: Yes, a little prick can be quite annoying.
Hey Rick, pick out a good crab for us…
♪ ♫
If I’m gonna pick you up
never gonna put you down
never gonna drop you back and return you
♪ ♫
Please do not touch the seafoods and other wildlifes.
This sign has been Rick-Rolled!
Caution: Do not feed your rick to the seafooods.
I did touch my Rick, and my Rick responded . . . “Let me fly, and I shall take you away from here !”
I’m shocked! Shocked! This looks like the start of a beautiful bouillabaisse.
♫Alive alive ‘O♫
You can rick your finger, but you can’t finger your rick.