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So its a female sign
Tomorrow will be all built
Tomorrow is cuntinuing.
Go ahead, make my day!
When today is ready, I can guess where the sun will shine out of.
Today has been delayed due to morning sickness.
The fundations have not yet been dug for tomorrow.
I wouldn’t take this notice cliterally.
Tomorrow, we were in this construction for incontinence.
Today is so 2012
Luckily, I had one yesterday
All vulgar entries, spam, etc. have been deleted
The next shipment uf “O”s will arrive tumurruw.
Please cum next Tuday
This notice was posted for the construction of the Cuntry Road!
We apologise for any cunfusion. We have cuntacted our sign maker on this issue and he is most cuntrite.
– What day is it today, honey?
– It’s not, love.
– Mommy! Have you seen my Sunday?
You’re coming well. Uh, sorry, I mean you’re welcome.
Use as needed.
Come back tomorrow if pussible.
Ok, I’ll ask again tomorrow dear.
I am the Accunot Manager, and I appruved this sign.
It is all a false cuntsruckt. 😈
I really hope tomorrow will be Sunday…
Edit: It is all a false cuntstroct.
Forgive me father. For I have unned.
Monday, Tuesday, Yesterday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Today…
Hund over your money. Fur I wull shut you if you dun’t
UDIT: Damn! Hund over your muney, ur I wool shut you.
Pub Menu.
That’s a cunning stunt.
@ Marum: Today’s specialty: Construction Burger with Safety Flies
They miss spelled ‘Notice’
Yeah, that’s the vulnerability of those just-in-time supply chains.
They have a long way to go to beat Agent Crabtree.
We are almust finished with the day.
It seems like only yesterday that we were calling today “tomorrow”.
We hope tu have tuday completed early Munday.
Any plans for tomorrow?
I knew that ‘there’s only now’ theory was a lie. If today is under construnction, than now probably is also – that’s why all those crappy situations!
Currently constructing the road to Tomorrow…land
Yesterday is behind you and tomorrow is around the corner.