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That and bag throwing
Lets make shopping
OK, so she’s on the make.
This is possibly the most refined t-shirt I’ve seen…… not counting the one with the tie printed on it. 😛
50% to be cotton / 50% to be made
– Mommy, I want to shirt!
To make, to make, spam, to make, to make, to make, spam, spam, shopping & spam…
Go ahead, make my joyfully!
I’ll just sneak over here and make in this try-on room.
Shopping is made at here.
I have to admit it’s generally a pleasure when I “make”. Not sure I’d go so far as to call it a joy.
Shopping, then to the chiropractor.
Refined is what happens when my wife bounces a check again.
If “refine the person” means giving you breasts with an unusual shape, then I think I’ll pass up shopping.
The Force is joyously with this one: her bag floats in mid-air.
What’s with the claw for a hand and horn out the back of the head thing?
Just wondering.
Let’s see how refined shoppers are at the end of this month when they’re trampling each other to get the Playstation 4 or whatever.
The devil wears Prada. The joyful shopper wears Plada refined in China.
Why are you throwing one of your bags?
To make, to make…. ARMS!
I really need a pair of arms.
Bra by Trafalmadore’s Secret.
Shopping, to make, to make, to cure my stutter.
Does this store take EBT?
The throwing to be made to unrefine the person,
to make, to make hurtingly the other person.
Her tits seem to have slipped a little.
Apparently according to this shirt, refinement is the ability to shoot flames out of your right nipple.
Barbie goes shopping.
perchance to dream