Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish - never against.
She’s up Compost Creek
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© 1999 - 2024 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
Censorship has reached a new level.
So does Sugar Honey Ice Tea
Organic matters!
Just so recyclable.
The bio-mass is about to hit the fan.
State the obvious mulch?
Watch your manures, girl
Shirt happens.
Oh! It’s a manikin in Cambodia!
For a moment I thought she was from East Texas.
This shirt is the ideal gift for a growing girl.
Forever girl juice in disguise
If too much compost happens, you get piles.
Her boyfriends keep recycling and she is very environmental friendly
Grinder in the rear, fertiliser in the front.
Not Engrish. It’s intentional. And funny.
‘SH*T HAPPENS’ is not good enough for her, huh?
“Oh, compost! I put on the wrong shirt!
I’ve seen these shirts here in the US. Google the saying — it’s all over the place. Sorry, but not Engrish.
Damn those trees and their excrement! I stepped into it — again.
That’s the title of a Grimmy book!
If the shirt isn’t made of natural fibre, irony happens.
I know, you dummy!
Compost is made at here
You’ve gotta be composting me.
Well, no compost, sherlock!
I would find it difficult to maintain my composture while wearing this shirt.
I give a compost.
But it is spelled correctly.
That is bull excrement!
I think I saw that shirt listed in one of the ads on here
Same compost, different day.
Ship High In Transit
COMPOST CORNER! (Older Brits will get the reference.)
@Sparky – Engrish doesn’t happen?
Compost Happens
It just takes a while