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99 bottles of smork on the wall, 99 bottles of smork….
That is one bad-ass smoking Kanji.
Smoking on the left, smorking on the right, people with emptied bottles down on the floor.
You better not smork around me or I’ll take out my empty bottle and it won’t be empty for long — if you catch my drift.
All those years of No Smorking drove me to drink, and now that I finally found the right place my bottle has to be empty?!
♪ ♫ Another smork in the wall ♫
We finally get a hint what the mysterious act of smorking is about, it seems to involve empty bottles.
I think I’ve solved this.
While you’re smoking and have the urge to smork, take out your empty bottle to relieve yourself.
… because smorking with your bottle left in would just be weird.
When I have a drink I always want to smork.
Return your empties !
There is a strong correlation between smoking and smorking as published by the Japanese Journal of Medicine.
Please take out and display your empty bottle before smorking.
Its like snorking but mmmmmmuch more funner.
♫ On top of old smorkey,
All covered in snow,
There I lost my Kimono,
By running too slow.
The yellow zone is for smorking and un-bottling. There is no smoking in the yellow zone.
Even Smorky Beer is affected by the shutdown here in the Untitled Snakes of Amerrycow.
– SMOKING AREA (no smoking)
– SMORKING AREA (no empty bottle)
– AREA 51 (no smoking or empty bottle)
Oh smicko
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined that Smorking Is Dangerous to Your Empty Bottle.
Tried to look it up in my kanji dictionary, but I couldn’t find the 5-stroke “cigarette” radical.
kanji smork: ultra light and empty..
I’m getting too old to smork a whole bottle by myself.
Please take out your empty bottle, it’ll make an awesome bong
WARNING: Only Fulls The Bottles
Do not marking a mistarking
It’s #0405 in Jack Halpren’s “Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary” and #855 in “The New Nelson”…
It’s “KITSU (ingest) , KEKI. kis(suru) eat, drink, smoke; receive (a blow, etc.).
喫烟 = “kitsuen”, smoking 所=area, may be “so, sho” but I would think it was “ba”.
Anyway, a smorking kanji…!
DISCONTENTING AREA: Your fool bottle be poured out to us, please
Howard Hughes will not be pleased.
Smork and Mindy?