Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Then it is fine.
Incas of frie
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Free of what
Push here for flames
Mmrnmmrnrnrnmm… Fries!
WAMING: In case of french frie, let it all bum
Songs of Iec and Frei
Well, I usually roast them but I’ll give it a go.
Press button for spell check.
Want fries with that..alarm?
An Erwhey Mry Wen Te Lam Wos Sur Tu Go.
Frie Alam / Bake A Sheep
Frie Alam must be a firefighter and this must be his doorbell.
I’m Alam, I arm a bit cornfused but I love those wam fired french fries!
If you are attacked by randomly-cut fries, press the button.
The last frie was started by an arlonist and now he’s on alam.
Fries are done.
What are you doing ?!
Mutton, honey.
More info: mmm.alam.corn
That’s Alam’s eye you are pressing. The button is over there!
This Engrish is lazy
In csae fo frie, clal teh Frie Detrapnemt.
In case of a fire, do nothing. In case of being fried by said fire, press the alarm.
If all the fire apparatuses were embezzled, then the frie alam is the only way to go.
Like Ray Fo Fong (the Indian bloke) reading the ABC Radio News throughout SE Asia:
“The pleeene was trrrying to geene altitude when it hit a truck loaded with heey and burst into fleeemes.”
I know it was a disaster, and should not be funny. But! If you can imagine that being said with a broad Indian accent, and not start giggling, you are a better man/woman than me.
With the press of a button flames will appear and your lam will be fried.
“No ham will come to you.” BEST subtitle in a long time!
worst. hand. dryer. ever.
Press in case of Ronald McDonald!
Guys, no matter how many times you push that button, you’re never gonna get your fries. Try another building.
Warning: Incas of frie, pras teh buton too sownd da frie alam