Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Then it is fine.
I almost feel patriotic
posted on 3 Oct 2013 in Clothing
If you’re not from America you won’t understand…
Photo courtesy of Travis Ruetenik.
Shirt found in Hiroshima, Japan.
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Afro or pipe
J.R. “Bomb” Dobbs!
Fame just isn’t what it used to be.
Just ignite the pipe and get away from the hair in under 10 seconds.
More famous than the one in 1945? Hiroshima, you have a short memory!
I’M from America, and I don’t understand!
Terrorists smoke pipes? or pipe bomb?
Disclaimer: Hair not guaranteed to explode.
Bomb person is famous – until it explodes
So that’s where Americans come from! The creationists are never gonna believe this!
Is this an African American with a white afro or the negative of a white American with a black afro? just wondering. Whatever….someone is taking some pipe for this.
I know a person with a dynamite body
50% Hair / 50% Dynamite
– Explode separately
Whisky Tango Foxtrot.
THIS is why we have Homeland Security
T-shirt guaranteed to get you extra attention at the airport.
Bomb of Bong?
@Chuck: Best. Callsign. Ever.
AH!! I get it!
African bum hair.
Is that… is that Obama in the 70s??
I hadn’t realized the Church of the SubGenius had sent missionaries to Africa.
For now on I will refer to afro’s as “african bomb hair”
Someone set us up the bomb!
Gives a new meaning to “Black Dynamite.”
Is no one else disturbed that this was spotted in Hiroshima?
Is that the black J.R. Bob Dobbs? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._R._%22Bob%22_Dobbs
@Jøshua – I thought of the Boss Coffee logo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boss_Coffee
It seems to be a parody of this: http://www.deadprogrammer.com/photos/suntory-boss.jpg?9d7bd4
Well, that’s what I get for not reloading before I post. 🙂
I think they meant to say the African Bomb Hair Style Popular since 1972.
@Seventy2rd o clock: A dynamite body; long, cylindrical and often red??
*uck and cover!
Hiroshizzle, didn’t fizzle
Its just subliminal messaging… im getting the strange urge to bomb mt hair…