Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Someone set up us the Engrish.com.
In brown ink
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Enema all over it
– Is that yours, Mummy?
That inscription should end with a colon.
This bowel is a relic of the Bung Dynasty.
It’s an antique Supper Bowel trophy!
Maid in Iran, R.I.P
Just don’t move it.
I’d like to buy a bowel, Pat.
You got a tattoo? Where?
You don’t wanna know.
This is what happens when you swallow a ballpoint pen.
So that’s what intestinal flora look like!
Inscribed bowel is one of the torture methods the ancient Persians used on their mortal enemas.
I assume they used Braille.
Please clean the proctoscope between viewings.
Now there’s a real tramp stamp.
What? Ferrets can’t read.
Just a little proctologist joke.
Jeez, Doc! What’s taking so long to remove that polyp?
Give that screw something to chuckle about the next time he does a cavity search.
This is a matter not to be sniffed at.
@Mr Wrong.
Q. What is a pokemon.
A. A West Indian Proctologist.
“How do they do that/”
‘They us a Rectum Stretcher. They keep on stretching until it is six feet wide.’
“That is silly. What would you do with a six foot a—hole?”
‘Get it to join the Police Force.’
we believe these were used by the mayans to curse at their gods while taking a s***
-museum tour guide
What a crappy exhibit
Rectum? Damn near killed him.
The tatoo for who has everything.
Not exactly funny, but Farsi-cal !
No flash photography, but light a match.
And obviously the bowel is empty