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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Order not word important.
They forgot to add instr
and a diagram with.
vctions how to read,
Bvlgari by Approved
Even if the arrest of the Police bility at all. Please leave asap!
Don’t charge responisi occvers theft warning
My theft was damaged hence I was unable to steal a phone. I will file a complaint with Bility.
Please do not leave here. Stay and help us fix this train wreck of a translation.
I’d bet it’s a viral campaign to make people aware of dyslexia.
1. fully jump to the line below.
2. It is recommended to always mark every line with number,
3. In order to read the sign correctly, care
4. as in this text.
CAVTION must be randomly made at anywhere
I am so happy that my English improved. I understood the main point of this message. It says, even I steal the phone, they will not charge me.
Perhaps it would make more sense if read vertically
Thanks for the warning. My with is now full charged and the responsi will not need to assume.
“Relax, ” said the bility,
“This sign is programmed to deceive.
You can charge up any time you like,
But you can never leave! “
To assume = To make an ass of u and me
It rubs the lotion on
the hose again. It does
this whenever its skin or else
it is told.
It doesn’t assume the existence of grammar and spelling rvles.
We steal from you: no charge.
Responsibility? No problem.
Wait a minute! I recognise this text! You can hear it in this classic song at around 4:10.
Please don’t leave here, oculus rift vr heads!
The only responsi I have is thank you for the warning on the sign. Now I know the translator had no bility for what occvred on this sign.
*victim tax not included
Leave here occvrs
One of Yoda’s early attempts to communicate.
To charge the damage the phone, it must be charged with theft, free of charge!
No charge for the damage of theft!
wever, things will still
main stolen, like half this mes.
@DnT: Perhaps 4:20 would work better.
Do not end your warning a preposition with.
It makes 5% more sense if you read it like that: line 1,3,2,4. well maybe not 5%
I think the damage was to the Wernicke’s area of your brain.
Occvrs! That explains it. It’s written in Latin, being a causative language, word order is not important.
Iacta alia est.
Therefore: responsii = multiple responses.
@Classic Steve; Heh heh. Word Salad.
Corerection: Iacta alea est.
I give up.
@BtU. That is an example of stilted English, up with which I will not put. (Winston Churchill – replying to a directive that no sentence should end with a proposition)
Personally. I prefer to end my sentences with a proposition.
This sign is written
who can read at
by people
a 4th grade level.
I charged my phone with salt in battery.
Teacher: “What comes after a sentence?”
Student: “An appeal!”
Rodney Dangerfield.