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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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For the unique traveller.
Leaves at the most unexpected time.
But not at 49 or 51.
Its a red letter bus
I’m in the mood for some fun today. Can you direct me to the amazing bus stop?
This is extraordinary but… Stop!
Passengers are outstanding by the kerb.
The wheels on the bus go up and down. The people on the bus go round and round.
And sometimes we don’t leave at all but just wait for the passengers and show them this sign – we are THAT extraordinary.
This is an extraordinary bus stop where buses don’t stop. You are welcome.
For Passengers
I am a passenger
And I ride and I ride
I ride in the bus’s backside
I see the sign come out of the sky
Yeah, there’s a bus stop in a hollow sky
You know, it looks so extraordinary tonight
la la la la la-la-la……♫♫♪
Or we might make a stop at the phantom toll booth.
This is a bus stop like you shouldn’t know from it.
Mundane bus stops need not apply.
If no. 50 bus stop isn’t available, we send twice as many buses to no. 25.
Usually, we leave at no. 50 bus stop. However we drop off anywhere we feel like. Now get out!
Located next to Station Nine-and-Three-Quarters.
Too much…the Magic Bus.
A bus stop like no other…
A bus stop of extraordinary magnitude.
We are building a Public Transportation force of extraordinary magnitude.
We forge our bus stops in the spirit of our ancestors.
You have our gratitude.
Number 50 with a bullet!
But the purple triple-decker is not for muggles.
To check the schedule, call them on an extraordinary telephone.
If you find an insipid, milk-and-water bus stop, you can be sure it’s No.50.
Ordinary passengers please take another bus.
Sometimes, in the middle of the day, when the bus is empty, I stop at my house for a quickie.
That is Stop 69.
In Sth Bris. there is a bus stop with the sign “BLIND PEOPLE ALIGHT HERE”
Every time I look very carefully, but I have never seen a blind person on fire yet.
We are the bus company from Hell,
And we frustrate all you passengers well,
We think it is nifty,
To have stop number fifty,
But, when it stops there, you never can tell.
In a strange contradiction of Quantum Theory; The buses depart from stop number 50, but none ever arrive.
You wait a short time for a bus, and then one comes along. All of the buses are spaced out nicely.
Even the bus itself is extraordinary. No wheels!
So, it’s a busstop where the bus is unreliable?
Doesn’t sound like an extraordinary busstop to me.
Hogwarts students board at stop 50 3/4.
We just kind of go to the highway , hit a traffic jam, then return.
We’re so proud… she’s just like a 50 (sniffling and wiping a tear).
hahaha, it’s just a temporary bus stop lol