Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for Suddenly Laugh
Ploase duck
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© 1999 - 2025 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
And watch you sleep
No need to shout
And do not tread on toad
Wear a harf hat.
Those darn black squares
I minded my hoad but I should have watched the stairs instoad. I stepped on a tead sitting there. The tead said “libbit”, I slipped, and fell.
Sorry, I’m hoad over hools
Super Mario Bros: you’re doing it wrong.
See what happens if you don’t road the sign?
In case you hit your hoad and die, you will get one of these flower wreaths below.
If it wasn’t for this sign, more people would bump their hoads on the sign…….
Don’t stand in front of the vent or it’ll give you a blow to the hoad.
Sponsored by: Onglish Ministry of Silly Walk
Quit trying to grab the exclamation point and your hoad will be OK.
CAUTION: To avoid this obstacle, carefully fall down the stairs
I haven’t hoad much lately. Think I’ll go see my baby mama.
Whore is the question mark?
Give me a broak! I have no hoands or feet!
He was THIS close to doath.
Or use an Olovator
Oauch! That looks like it must hoart!
– Mommy, look! Ho Hung himself onto question mark!
Peking Duck!
It’s Hoedown!
That was good advice to all other tennis players of the 50s
You might want to mind your foot too.
See the blood spurt.
He split an artery on the sharp corner and bled out in 10 minutes.
Are you throatening me?
I’m going to stop reading captions now, my hoad hurts.
Bugger the stairs. I will use the ovuluter.
If you use the staris you may bonk your head.
If you use the ovuluter you may bonk your…Oh! Never mind.
it’s metal gear; he’s becoming alarmed (hence the exclamation point) because he saw a black box moving
Be careful when troading down the stops.
Be sore to road the massage.
Ow! I banged my head while looking for my hoad. Just like the guy in the picture.
Ow! I banged my head while looking for my hoad. Just like the guy in the picture.
Ow! I banged my head while looking for my hoad. Just like the guy in the picture.