Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
Let’s professional Engish now!
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What if i don’t want to call now?
Any discont for 10
Spelling not includede
Special discount, we teach 25 letter alphabet!
Or ese!!!
Sorry! I speak and write Engrish only.
Our Engish lesson will keep you guessin’!
Me no call now think you kind sound jerk
If you can read this sign, you owe me 15 dollarS.
Sounds Eng-ish…
If you call, it will be a Wong number.
For writing lessons, used toilet paper is OK
Isn’t there a chicken & egg problem here? It’s not as bad as a written advertisement for learning to read, but still…
No, YOU call now!
Someone following bubblegum-pasted orders on the side of a sidewalk can’t be wong!
Engished Engrish
Yes – this is, by all means, First Class Engish
First free lesson is how to write Engish very wel.
You can’t go wong with our ressons.
How can I call Wong? I only speak English!
You call now!! Operators are by standing.
Are you from Engand?
If that’s toilet paper, maybe the Poo Computer Service has opened a new franchise.
DeVry New Zealand.
My Mandarin speakers are 6 x 9’s.
Mandarin sub-woofers need not apply.
Dare fliends,
I nead yor help! To make som extra monny, I desided to do some tutoring. If you no anyone hoo nead to learn Engish. Plise send them to me. Sank you! You send now!!!
@Frank Burns: Ah, erripticar speakers.
If you can read this sign, don’t blame a teacher.
♫No- L, No-l,
The Kiwis do call.♫
And six is sumthun you do in bid.
In Pamplona they do the running of the bulls.
In New Zealand they do the running of the sheep.
In Pamplona the people run in front.
In New Zealand the sheep run in front.
I have both an Orange and a Lemon tree, and they have never said boo.
A wonderful bird is the Mandarin,
As it flits from bough to bough,
It makes its nest in the Rhubarb Tree,
And yodels like a Cow.
It’s only a small step from Engish to anguish…
Duck a la Orange.
No! Duck a la Mandarin.
Look! Take your duck in mandarin and get out of here.
OK, call will I!
Sorry to embarrass you, but you seem to have a flyer for Engish lessons stuck to the bottom of your shoe.
They had me at “first one free.”
They call him Wong.
But his name is really Mr. Smith.
Call Wong number now!
Don’t you need to already know English in order to understand this posting?
He teaches you to speak English, not how to write it.
Because you know what they say: 2 Wongs don’t make a write.
Now, each non-English country has its own English!
What could go wong, after all?
No spiky engrish??? 🙂
Hello, this is Sumtin Wong. You take Engish esson now, so you pay now, cause I lie about free esson.
If this is Wong, I no wanna be Wight.
Seems legit