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Not at all icy
It makes a soff crater
Does anyone have a pattern for knitting a Kuiper belt?
It takes interval too long for a comet to fall onto Earth!
This yarn is best for knitting clothes to cover heavenly bodies.
Yarn theory?
Damn dinosaurs never saw it coming.
From the public, his discovery brought cheers.
From his wife, it drew nothing but torrents of tears.
“For you see,” said Ms. Halley,
“He used to come daily;
Now he comes once every 70 years!”
Feels pretty harr to me.
The latest product from the Cosmic Quilter.
The Bold Nep is the largely unknown twin brother of the Kuiper Belt, consisting of large clusters of yarn balls that occasionally produce a soff comet. The reason why it remains unknown is that most of the soff comets burn up when coming anywhere near our atmosphere. Now you know where all the dust in the air keeps coming from.
To Boldly Nep where no knitting has gone before…
Are you a wally? Get this from Halley!
I tried making a sweater with this stuff once, but it ablated when I went out in the sun.
Strong Belwas and Bold Nep, protectors of the Dragon Queen.
The comet Bold Nep the stuff of nightmares.
Repels cat hairs.
@FB Like String Theory, but fluffier.
I don’t think being hit by a billion tons of yarn is any better than being hit by a billion tons of rock, ice, or anything else.
I just want to read the whole thing again and again until I fall asleep – or maybe shoot myself, Tough call.
♪ ♫
Soff comet, warm comet, little ball of yarn…♪ ♫
Still fluffier than the Harr Asteroid yarn.
Soft like a ton of rock and ice orbiting the universe.