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Friend or fiend? Make up your mind!
Feel like your soul is meaningless? Do you want to have some fiends? Don’t hesitate and call 666-666-666 right now.
A really nice set of fiends.
Yes, lots of ghoulfiends.
What are fiends for? You can always call on them whenever you feel like raising a little hell.
Well, what are enemas for?
Well this is all very devilish
As if the evil t-shirt and satanic medalion are’nt a dead giveaway.
Pure Mourning
A fiend in need’s a fiend indeed
A fiend’s striptease is better
A fiend undressed becomes obsessed
A fiend in need to please her
Day’s worming, skin’s crawling
Days crawling, skin’s warning…
Pure mourning
Pure mourning
Pure mourning
Fire warning…
Well, clearly she’s not human. The fact that her eyeballs have a bigger diameter than her upper arms is a dead giveaway.
With fiends like you, who needs enemy?
I just want to be friends with Dr. You.
I have plenty of fiends. I just keep them in the basement.
She gives “benefits” like a demon.
Her beasts are better than my fiends
Keep your friends close, your fiends closer still.
‘oops, i’ve reset my Facebook status to ‘single’ again…’
You go, girlfiend!
Go to a certain very warm place, that is…
A fiend is a friend with whom you have a little more fun. 😈
“You exit the corridor into a large roughly circular cavern, about 100′ diameter. It appears empty except kneeling in the center, surrounded by glowing fungi, is a succub…, I mean, a beautiful woman.”
Fiends in low places can get you a job in advertising.
A fiendish friend or a friendly fiend . . . that is the question.
Got demons?
She’s an angel at the table and a fiend in bed.
@DnT . Tenkyu tumas wantok. I was looking everywhere to find one to “click:” on, to find what it was called.
As it is with Taxis – one can never find one, when one wants one.
Don’t be a fiend. Be a friend!!
That’s the most honest way to ask if one’s a married parent I’ve ever seen.
This is a RERUN:https://engrish.com/2012/03/with-fiends-like-these/
I want to be friends with her left breast. Her right breast, not so much.
@Snickers: What about her middle breast?
I used to wonder what fiendship could be,
Until you all stole its magic with me.
@ Mark: your post is seriously underrated xD
I think it’s just some old propaganda from Final Fantasy X. Fiends are the sign that you are near to Sin!
♫ Ah, making fiends, making fiends, Vendetta’s always making fiends♩
Did I read that right, on the girls shirt?: “Violent New York”?