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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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I thing Robim Wimmiams was in that movie.
I English
You English
We all English
Then it cans speak Englishly!
It is 101nd day and I only Engrish
Half League, Half League, Half League
Into Valley Death
Rides Six Hundred
(Bloody Fools).
We also English poet nicely.
Repeat after me: “We are not amuuuuuuuused.”
Hmmm… the ”Dead Pets Society” movie rip-off?
In China, everything has to be politically correct.
Better to be correctly English than incorrectly American, chaps.
This book is nearly 90 years old! Click my name to see more.
You might want to try the full version. The short course doesn’t seem to be working.
Chapter 1: How to wear bowler hat.
Chapter 2: What are scones?
Chapter 3: Choosing correct beer to go with curry or fish-and-chips.
By Georgely, I think you’ve got it!
Correctly Engrish in one minute.
Chapter 4: Driving on the wrong side of the road correctly.
Chapter 5: Adding silent vowels.
Incorrectly written of course
@jjhitt: Mr Cholmondeley is not amused!
Guaranteed to work as well as Guangxu’s Hundred Days’ Reform.
Author: Eriza Dorritle.
Contains such useful phrases as:
My rickshaw is full of eels.
My nipples explode with delight.
My Dairy:
1th Day: Is Meet the Correctly English
2rd Day: Is Look the Correctly English
3nd Day:Is Feel the Correctly English
27st Day: Is ready the Correctly English
53th Day: Is the same
82th Day: How to using Online Translations
91nd Day: Random the Mix the Letters
100st Day: It correctedly falls through the window onto exploding bomb.
Correct Li if he’s wrong…
Correctly Google Translator in just a few minutes. And it works way better.
Repeat after me:” Madam! Your Pomeranian just pissed on my leg.”
I am from the Society and I have come to correct you. With English.
If you collect me with Engrish I may end up permanently damaged.
♫Whatever have they done to the old mother tongue?
They have wrangled strangled mangled and abused it.♫
In Correctly English, a double negative constitutes a superlative, unless it comes after c.
There once was a man called Cholmondeley,
Who sat in his office so glolmondeley,
His boss said Gus,
Why do you sit thus,
So holmondeley, glolmondeley, dolmondeley.
R.I.P. english society in china
June 2013 – October 2013
Correctly translates phrases like: Roy Orbison’s musical bum.
Just for comparison, how long does it take to correctly French?
I’ve never bothered to time it myself.
Chapter 6: Let’s Verb!
Chapter 7: What Are These Toilets?
… what.
C’rrec’, guvnah
Correctly english or hundred days dungeon.
This is NOT Chinese.
If this exists, why does the website need to?