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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Then it is fine.
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We don’t want custom anyway
If you stand in front of the show-window the view will be private and limited.
Hey, I’m just standing here minding my own corporation!
Please do not buy anything from us. Think of the other businesses!
Dear: corporations
Mind your own businesses. Our show-window must go on.
As a customer, I am not very cooperative with the big corporations.
It stands in front of show-window. It rubs the lotion on its business. It is disturbed. Very disturbed.
Dear: Customers
My colon is displaced. You don’t need to see this.
OK, but only if you’ll put my corporation in the show-window, decorate it nicely, and I’ll be allowed to stand on the left or right side.
NOTE: Please corporate inside
Do not forget to turn out the lights and feed the customers before closing.
Dear: Daikokuya,
Thank you for your company.
Japanese are just too overly polite. Let me translate this. “Dear customers, Please stand in front our competitors’ show-windows.”
They’re just worried about their reputation for catering to gaijin. The Japanese sign next to it says “Please wait here”.
Nobody likes a show off.
The sign of a non-hostile corporate take over.
That’s using your noodles.
They don’t want the other B2Bs to get jealous of all the window shoppers.
My corporation disturbs the other businesses. Problem?
Yikes . . . Corporation??
No thanks !!
What’s good for General Motors is disturbed when shown in a shop window
Last time you corporated in front of our shop window all the other businesses and our staff were disturbed for weeks.
The last time two corporate westerners stood in front of our shop window, they eclipsed the sun.
Dear Sir and Madam. It is not that you are ugly, but please do not stand in front of our shop. You are devaluing the neighbourhood.
There should be more corporation and less foreplay. Or is that more foreplay and less corporation? Or maybe equal amounts of both. Look! I feel a bit dizzy. I think I will lie down for a while.
Yes, I’ve been geting love handles. Thank you, too.
Give me a chair then…..