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With skipe, adny and ofal
There is no spoon
The Spoon must be a Woodstock.
Where’s Brarley Chown?
NOTE: Do not confuse it with Spoon Dogg
The Tick’s pet has finally been found!
Actually a cousin who’s taken over the cartoon franchise. Snoopy now works for the National Security Agency.
No spoon intended
His name is NOT Brarley Chown!!! It’s Bharlie Clown!
Judging from the picture, Spoony must be the tiny evil clone of Snoopy.
It’s even funnier that that kind of mix up is actually called a “spoonerism”.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum.
They’ve been calling him that ever since his brother Spike introduced him to heroin.
Hey! This is just a cheap knock-off of my “Poony” bag!
Good god, Spoony!
Calefurry Funny
Kello Hitty
sorry – ignore the post above!
Also available: Linux and Gucy.
I <3 Stoodwock the best!
This bard is worse than his bite.
OH . . . MY . . . DOG (!!)
He must have a very good time with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Spoony, look out! Incoming shuriken!
An a gram will do fine.
@Sonny. ab absurdum.
Typo; ad absurdum
factum est .
It’s The Engrish Beagle, Charlie-san!
♪♫ spoooonmaaaannn…♪♫
This reminds me of when I bought a bootleg Sailor Moon pencil case that said “Sailon Moon” on it and I didn’t notice it until my teacher pointed it out and made fun of it.
Spoony and Sailon Moon!
Uh, that’s a dog. Not a bard.
Charles M. Schulz can’t sue us now.
He likes to cuddle after
Woodstick is my favorite!
Looks like the web’s zaniest pop culture reviewer, the spoony one has made it in engrish too!
Best snooperism ever!
A backpack for bards. Comes with free space hamster.
Sometimes AKA The Easter Bagel.
Agree w/Rick… this is how you avoid copyright infringement if you’re to sell knock-offs
Woodstock wants some spoon-tang!
If Snoopy is Spoony, Woodstock must be Linkara.
It’s a little known fact that he’s quite the skilled bard.
What’s a paladin?
Let’s play the SPS game called Spoony Vs The Bad Reron!