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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Our fire and brimstone range is to die for.
Hells one of long standing
Defnitly the Hells Kitty genration
Tlking abut mu genration
(One of long standing in hell, which is full of bloody bus stops.)
Best fabrics include glossy satan and blue demon.
And don’t let us tell you twice
Finally! I’ve found the place so many people have told me to go to!
Hell’s Dells.
Hell needs a proofreader.
People try to put us down, just becase our fabrics get around.
Best example of Copy & Paste going wrong.
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions and the best fabrics.
Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the fabrics.
Official fabrics used by the Hell’s Angels.
The Road to Hells Gateway is lined with best fabrics
The road to Hell is paved with repetition.
It appears that hell has exploded, scattering sentence fragments everywhere.
The road to hell leads to my front door. Signed: ex-husband.
Hell must be all about fashion design
Hells Cherubs Bicycle Club
It appears that Hell has a long standing tradition, of incomprehensible Engrish.
Now I know what Hell is. A place where you have to read this type of wording, for all eternity
The road to Hell is paved with the finest fabrics.
This makes me happy to know that grammar nazis don’t go to hell.
@JI. I thought that would have been a “Grammar Nazi’s” Hell.
Hells gateway harmonize your genration.
The designer of this shirt went on to start one about a banana. He still hasn’t finished spelling it.
Gateway’s tech support used to be great, until Faust Enterprises bought them out and instituted this new mission statement.
Genration Nation
Good Gracious – What Gibberish!