Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for Suddenly Laugh
Do you have demurrage for the forbidden one?
Hi, I’m the forbidden one. Can I prepare you some food?
Photo courtesy of Brent Knowles.
Found in Arequipa, Peru.
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A new day every 12 hours.
Which 12 is new
Is the room forbidden or the food
Demurrage – Another actual word I learnt from Engrish.com,
Who’da thunk it.
The visit of the fleeting gentlemen…that’s what she said.
Better in the Colca than in the cloaca.
Portal 2: Forbidden Peru
I think the forbidden one must be prohibited
Mmmm… Coca Colca!
And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, my Forbidden One: go ahead, make my lunch!”
– When do you serve lunch?
– Tomorrow, Sir. In about 15 minutes.
As “fleeting” means lasting for a very short time, those gentlemen don’t need to waste time entering the rooms. The rooms will not be satisfied.
This forbidden one? It’s a good one!
Pleasant demurrage in the colca? So that’s what I’m feeling when I happy!
The Forbidden Ones = The Untouchables
Please send the forbidden one to my room. It’s time my others were prepared.
The fleeting gentleman is a fugacious fugitive.
Last time the gentlemen of the fleet were in town the reception was full of seamen.
@Droll: Semen not seamen
“The Forbidden One” sounds like the name of a cheap horror movie.
On second thought, “The Forbidden One & The Fleeting Gentlemen” sounds like the name of a 1950’s rock band.
Ahhh, up at the crack of noon, ready to start a new day! …What do you mean “midnight”?!?
Who do they mean, Voldemort?
Is a “Happy and Pleasant Demurrage in the Colca” anything like a “Happy Ending”?
Oh forbidden one. I summon thee from thy portal, to prepare me a steak!
I think they mis-spelled “CLOACA”.
I don’t want to be the others in the room.
Yo room service, send up the forbidden one. I want him to prepare me some food in my room
“Demurrage in the colca??”
Do they mean demurrage in the colon?
Is that the charge for staying longer than intended?
Ah yes. Cloaca. That works for both sexes.
Therefore it is an extra charge for staying in longer than contracted for.
In Pidgin English a word for ‘prostitute” is “wantimi” You do it once you get charged wantimi. You do it twice you get charged tuatimi. That accounts for the demurrage.
The fleeting gentleman must have come back several times.
At the Colca…colca cabana…
Madame. There is a penalty/demurrage charge on your bill, for having had the forbidden gentleman stay too long in your cloaca
Maybe “cloaca” is where the word “clacker” comes from.
And a new day dawns.
Happy Demurrage, everyone !
@Big Fat Cat: You got my meaning. If there was an edit button I would put parentheses around the “a”.
@Droll & @Big Fat Cat: actually “seamen” is inadvertently appropriate in this case as the meaning of ‘demurrage’ is over-staying at a sea-port. So “seamen” or “semen” would both be correct after all…
#9 Made me chuckle. For me a new day begins at happy hour.
The forbidden one is better than the forbidden two..three..four and so on. Just stay with what you no(sic)
I hear Chef Exodia makes excellent portals!