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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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My family uses Yirenbao!
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© 1999 - 2025 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
Do I have to stop after 3 minutes?
Afterthem! Those private parts are getting away!
Mom, there’s someone from Family Protective Services here to see you.
Rub it wherever you like
Put it in your AZONE.
After rubbing on private parts, intrusion of privacy follows.
Yirenbao, you promised … !!
Did we mention you can use it in the bath?
Was it a refreshing feeling after use for you too?
This is actually fairly well-written, mostly grammatically correct, and understandable. Not much in the way of Engrish here.
This is my second most popular product I have never used
I always flush the toilet to press the button, but I never wash to clean with water!
♪ ♫
Rub it in, rub it in
Rub it in, rub it in
I feel the tingle begin
You’re gettin’ under my skin
Rub it in, rub it in. ♪ ♫
A wonderful ‘self help’ method for being a successful person..
– Keep your parts, Private!
Dear Yirenbao,
You say the product is suitable for family use but you don’t specify which family.
My case comes up next week.
Successful Person.
And that’s the secret of my success..
“It puts the Yerenbao on the skin, or it gets disease again!”
It vertically puts out the old horny
Knead knead knead… success!!!
♪ ♫
If I kneaded dew
Would you come to me.. ♪ ♫
Yirenbao Song
♪ With a rub-a-dub-dub and a scrub-a-dub-dub
And a rub-a-dub all day long
With a rud-a-dud-dud and a scrud-a-dud-dud
I’d sing this Chinese song! ♪
(scrub repeatedly)
They only provided Vsage for the female private parts. Where’s the Psage for men?
We use AZONE technology these days; GSPOT process is so 20th century.
Specially formulated for housewives who enjoy kneading and scrubbing.
Also ask about our special red product (heh-heh).
So, if you want to be a successful person, rely on a douchebag.
This is a product that everyone kneads.
If you knead for more than 3 minutes you’re playing with it.
If I rubbed it on my private parts for three minutes, sex would be unnecessary. Therefore it really would prevent infection.
Sarah Lee kneads it and folds it, and kneads it and folds it, and then kneads it and folds it again.
“I’m yours Sarah! I’m yours!
They’re not kidding, it really does work best in the bath, using it in the kitchen got all sorts of funny looks from family.
It will feel good, didn’t it?
Vsage. To use inside private parts – use a bottle-brush.
It appears he or she lives somewhere in China.
Q. How do you know Yirenbao?
A. When she alps you on the backside and says: “You’re in boyo.”
@A Non-y Mouse Ahm Cess. Pucker up baby.
who needs to worry about spending another night alone when you have yirenbao!
Short form:
1. Lather
2. Rinse
3. Repeat
Now with 0% saponin’
😀 Aaahahaha
Protects against latent genms. Practicing germs we can do nothing about.
A product you says is good for whole family? I have been looking for someone who not judge like you. I take 50 bottles and will rub a dub dub in the tub.-A pervert who is not me-
Vse onry as dilected!