Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
When they’re not old enough for true style
Paying for it is also a good choice.
Photo courtesy of Stephen Wilt.
Baby doll box found in Venezuela (made in China).
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© 1999 - 2025 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
We’ll always be carefully together, simulating
Sounds like a porn movie.
My style would be to buy this with simulated money. Isn’t that wonderful?
@Algernon: The Moppet Movie? 😯
And when you’ve finished making carefully, you can try making other adverbs.
Her favorite Moppets simulation styles: Miss Twiggy and Caremit the Flog
– Mommy, I hate this doll. It’s trying to emulate Paris Hilton!
@Seventy2rd o clock: Oh, what’s the problem? All styles are wonderful!
“Come to own it together.” — Communist sales pitch.
Simulating is made at here!
All styles are wonderful!
They are great!
Well, they are pretty good.
Well, they aren’t bad…
Uh, there are styles that aren’t very good though.
They could have been a lot better.
I didn’t really like them.
They are pretty terrible.
They are bad.
They are awful!
They are terrible!
Take ’em away!
Hey, boo!
Stotler and Wildurf, professional moppets.
@ Pectolatra: Especially Dairy Style! It’s a True Style, and True Styles are Milking Carefully ;p
“We are the Bling Borg. You will be simulated. Resistance is futile.”
♫ Oh baby doll!
True styles are making carefully
Oh baby doll!
Oh will you own this style with me?
We’ll simulate a true style
And play with styles that used to be. ♫
Simulating a true style is actually having a fake style, isn’t it? 😕
If all styles are wonderful, I prefere “doggy”.
Fashion Girl style of use:
1. Please only simulate here or you will be moppet
2. Carefully suffocating and eating small parts
3. Own it together but wash separately
4. Do not Fashion Grill
5. No Killer Styling
NOTE: If the product the discovery deterioration, please purchase the false style, the fashion and carefully together with this mails back this girl. Let our children more simulating!
the dolls are playing Gangnam Style
Sounds fake to me.
Collective Fashion! Let’s own it together. It’s almost like having a real lifestyle.
Simulating a true style: Better known as “woohoo” on The Sims.
Be the best dressed doll in The Matrix
Fascist Girl?
Pretty Pink
Does it infllate to life-size.
All styles are wonderful, eh? I don’t know, I’ve seen some pretty butt-ugly CSS in the wild.
Own up to it Buddy!
Hmmm. If you shoplift one of these you have problems.
You have no chance to simulate, make your style!
RIP Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela! 1954-2013
If all styles are wonderful, what do I need this for?