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Don’t tell me who farted.
This shirt scares you soundless
The brightness of the crown; the pull of the finger.
Turn off that crown, I can’t see a thing!
That sound is the siren on the fire engine that came to put out all your birthday candles.
Happy Birthday by Radiohead.
The silliness of the Clown with the Crown.
The brightness of the crown….. where my hair used to be.
The sound of silence…..but deadly.
Holiday in Hawaii
Also the good thing of the old age
One day an Engrishman got a fright when
he heard a loud noise while writing a poetic birthday card for a friend.
The birthday boy liked the card so much he had this t-shirt made.
Silence of the lamps, in the light room?
”Don’t ask me silly questions
I won’t wear silly shirts
I’m just a little bullet train
And I’ll always sound the same”
It’s just the beating of his hideous heart.
♫ Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you… ♫ 🙂
Oh… sorry. 🙁
Somethings happining here, what it is ain’t exactly clear.
Prefere to sleep in the dark room.
It’s the sound of the monkeys laughing at you.
Your birthday is the only good thing about getting older.
When I said, “Puff out your cheeks and blow out the candles”, I meant the cheeks on your face!
Turn around and you’ll be able to smell it
The only good thing of old age, is that you do not waste all that money on women. If you do, it is the triumph of hope over ability.
This shirt is perfect for an old somewhat lazy King, who party’s all night, and just ate beans on his birthday.
I am sure I know a few who would match this description.
When I was a boy, everyone had a birthday — What was that noise?!? — That sun sure is hot. Can we go inside where it’s cooler, which reminds how difficult it was when I was younger. You young guys have got it so easy. Has anyone seen my teeth?
*shakes walking cane* TURN OFF THAT BRIGHTNESS!!!
Darn those kids. Back in my days, we didn’t have that blingbling, so we walked 20 miles in the snow, both ways uphill, to enter people’s yards!
The sound of one hand crapping.
The sound of difficuly
@Mr. Wrong – Haha it does sound like the
amusing ramblings of an old man 😀
If a crown falls in a light room, does it make a sound?
Thanks @iLock. I saw that and heard Abe Simpson’s voice.
Ode to Wordsworth.
Stop cowning around…you might rake somebody up!
It *was* the sound of Smarties all around. Shake, shake, that’s the sound. Shake up the Smarties all around.
“Doesn’t like to work in the light room”
Looks like someone has a hangover
It prefers the dark room much better