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Smile and show us your lovely teeths.
This all seems false to me
Will it be painfully?
What, I can’t just swallow chewing-gum?
Nice way to warn that the steaks aren’t that tender.
Product is for mens, womens and childrens. Store in sealed container to protect from mices.
We likes it, we chews it, must use the teeths.
I’ll just put the tips in and see how it feels…….
Do you accept vampires?
Please don’t use the teeth… that hurts, take them out and just have a gum job.
It’s hard to pay attention with a fried salary
– But Grandmother! What big teeths you have!
– It better eats you with, my dear customers. And pays attention, or else…!
Your teeth – use them or lose them. I’m sure you want to stay healthy.
What a wonderful, unique product! A tote bag for mohels!
Dear customers.
Please pay attention.
It’ll be healthy for you to tip the waiters.
We wouldn’t want anything to happen to those nice teeths of yours.
Thanks for your cooperation.
The Don Corleone Clam House and Catering Palace
“Go on all-fours; that is the Tip. Are we not Customers?
Tear with fang; that is the Tip Are we not Customers?
Claw with nails; that is the Tip. Are we not Customers?
— The Island of Dr. Management
I’m teethless
@mickeygreeneyes: Oh, yeah, Carrefour skins! 😀
This product was made by in-dentured chefs.
What’s 15% of “bite me”?
Establishment open from Ate until Tooth-Hurty.
Healthy – like Chicken Teeths
Like it will be safe to run on your feets.
T’anks for da health warning @Mickey. It’d be a real shame if da customers’ nice teeths broke on somebody’s fist, just because dey missed the tip box.
Da tip box. Typo. Sorry.
Supermarket for dogs
No tonguing allowed
The Bible says a teeth is 10% of your income.
Give your teeth to the church each week, and Father Corleone won’ta kicka you head in.
Tips, or get the teeth out!
We’re armed to the teeths…so we advise you to pay.
We have a little teethsing problem…teeths aren’t meant to sing.
Teeths! Teeths! my preciousss; but we has only six.
Based on my very limited Chinese, my best guess is that the sign is saying “For health reasons, please don’t touch the food with your hands.” But how this becomes translated into ‘use teeths’ is a mystery. How is it more hygienic for customers to use their teeth to sample food as opposed to their hands? Do I really want to put something I shouldn’t touch into my mouth? Oh, the joys of Engrish when you know very little Chinese . . .
I thought it was against the rule to use your teeths when bobbing for apples… or whatever those things are. 🙂
@Mr. Wrong ,
don’t worry about da typo, two wrongs make a right.
Babies prohibited. Cause y’know, they have no teeth.