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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Food for Dummies
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♫ ♩ ♫
You are Dumbling my tummy
And I feel like I’m steamin’ you;
The Dumbling
You’re such a sweet thing
Good enough to eat thing
And that’s just a what I’m gonna do
Too dumb
To eat ya
Too dumb
To steam ya
Too dumb
To Dumbling so
♩ ♬ ♭
Dennis Rodman anyone?
Well, if a fish could talk would you steam it?
Typical Steampunk style
These dumplings have been passed by Kim Jong un.
What, exactly, did you steam by that?
Esteamed Dumblings = North Korean Parliament.
Today’s specialty: Dumb blondes cosmetic meat
Also called ‘Cat Ear’
♫A steamed rice dumpling,
All covered in Soy,
Was the main food item, for a Korean boy,
Now the dumpling was yella,
And he caught salmonella,
For the old dumpling you save,
Can lead to the grave♪
A steamed dumpling,
sitting on a plate,
waiting threatingly.
Must be the rotten child
@Seventy2rd o clock : Wouldn’t they be deaflings? 😉
Such wonton cruelty!
– Just a dumburger for me, please
@ Droll not Troll: Yeah – and there’s also a yummy dummy ripeyes steak version called blindlings!
They’re not steamed, they’re half-baked.
I prefer nuts and corn freaks
Ironically they say it is a brain food.
The silence of the lames.
The correct term is Steam Challenged Special Dough.
Nutritional information:
Protein: 7%
Carbohydrate: 16%
Fat: 54%
IQ: 23
Too dumb to dump
Steamed dumblings, courtesy of brains, the new wonder head filler.
– Why don’t you try some dumblings, dear?
– Because I’m married to one!
Complimentary salmonella with every serving.
Eating may cause a dire rear.
Soylent Green. Contains no horse DNA
Lamont Sanford must eat these.
Mad Kids on the Block.
Life is like a meal of dim sum-you never know what you’ll get.
You IQ 25? You go in stew.
I don’t think, therefore I’m steamed.
This is what happened after Anakin killed all the dumblings (in Backstroke of the West.)
And so, the ugly dumbling grew up into a beautiful swan, while the other dumblings who had teased him were pretty steamed!
Dumbledore’s favorite!
Not even the dumblings survived…
acually, all the real dumblings are in the sign shop.
Dumb people get steamed!