Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Share a pleasant Engrish with vigor
All’s fair in love and business
Sounds like someone’s getting a raise…
Photo courtesy of Tom Mackay.
Found on a “Fred Perry” jersey in Shanghai, China.
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Simplelovebusiness, Inc.
Making perpetual feasts for huge crowds of people since 1962.
If your simplelovebusiness draws a huge crowd of people, you did a good job of running the brothel.
You did not do a good job.
“Simple Love Business Is Business.”
Happy Valentines Day from Willie the Pimp.
Oh… THAT Fred.
It’s a plot summary for Les Misérables.
For the voyeur in us all.
My mind is so contented I snort veggie seeds. Watch ’em grow!
Simplelovebusiness = Utopia
Huge crowd of people = China
The inside label on Chris Christie’s jacket.
What’s new jersey doing in Shanghai?
Simple love business is probably best! (and some money on the side)
@Seventy2rd o clock: Sounds fair to me. I’m sure people have been shanghaied in New Jersey.
A mind is a terrible thing to taste.
Good whore! Gooood whore!
@ Droll not Troll: Ha! These days it seems like everything comes from China.
Simplelovebusiness? Suck Ho Bldg, definitely. Their wh… um, staff, always do such a good job. You must be satisfied!
“Spirit exotisism”? I wonder if they mean exorcism.
Faked Perry ?
Rereading this, I’m starting to wonder if they are referring to not whores but zombies..
Well, love is love and marriage is business.
Fred Perry, you’ll never merry!
The spirit exoticism is willing but the flesh is a perpetual feast.
I thought clothing is made for Body Erotisism.
NO!! Social intercourse, is not screwing in groups.
Thank you sir. It was a business doing pleasure with you.
If I had a perpetual feast grow I would never go hungry…
Shanghai? Well Shanghellooo to you too…