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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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That’s LITTLE PEOPLE bravery
posted on 11 Jan 2013 in Clothing
Just like mom said, lollygag until you get married…
Photo courtesy of Mia Levy.
T-shirt found in Japan.
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Foamy kitten must be suffering from rabies.
Dwarfs are usually brave.
For your own sake, never wear this T-shirt in Skyrim.
Foamy kitten holding? Lollywag Hilarity!
“Foamy Kitten” sounds like a good name for a new beer. Lately, I’m drinking Fat Yak. (It’s a beer, google it).
When dwarf bravery shines on you, your balls will glow.
Please tell me lollygag isn’t kiddy porn bondage. 😯
Please tell me Foamy Kitten doesn’t have rabies.
@DrLex and jjhitt: It’s probably something quite innocent, like someone washing their little pussy.
It’s called Ladygag Style
Gagnam Style: When Kitty finally got Enough
Hold on for just one more day until the nice people in white coats arrive with the straitjacket.
Wilson Phillips on peyote?
I can’t “hold on” for another minute, let alone a whole day.
Dwarfs would have to be brave to attempt to satisfy Snow White.
Wasn’t Hilarity the first person to climb Mt. Everest? Sir Edmund Hilarity I think.
The brave dwarf rescue of the foamy kitten is famous scene from “Monty Python and the Lollygag Grail” (bootleg edition)
We all laughed at the foamy kittens until we saw the cyanide capsules.
Well I’ve got my entry for this year’s “beat poetry” competition:
Do not lollygag brave souls
Hold on for just one more day
Dwarf Bravery will always shine upon you
When facing the foamy kitten of hillarity
From the Billy Barty collection.
Hilarity Clinton designer shirts.
Ah yes… those brave Stomch Dwarfs
Lollygag: 1- To goof off, loiter, or do things very slowly.
2- What you’ll do if you put a stick of candy too far inside your
3-The gag reflex being activated when you see sugary sweet
T-shirts about foamy kittens, sunshine and brave little people.
Remarkable bravery when confronting dwarves. The hilarity is enough to make a foamy kitten laugh
Experimental cover art for The Hobbit Special Edition DVD release.
Oddly, The Oatmeal recently released a comic tangentially related to the foamy feline meme.
Synchronicity, it is a magnificent thing n’est pas?
@ Biff: N’est-ce pas, please! French kittens will be foaming at the mouth!
A manly kitten, yes, but I like it too!
Dwarf bravery, in association with The Hobbit
@Droll: My bad! (In my defense, I did briefly wonder before posting “hey, wasn’t there one of those typical French unprounounced syllables [or paragraphs] in there somewhere?”)
Foamy Kitten? – How about Frothy Pussy!
What if I do not want a foamy dwarf and a kitten shining upon me?
Lollygag, you foamy dwarf!
He shall always be remembered… whoever he was…
“No Lollygaggin’.”
Hold on for just one more day honey…. Outhouse is just around the corner