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Sounds painful
Congratulations sir, you are an ass only 50% of the time.
12 hours a day? Nope. Once an ass, al ways an ass.
Word salad printed on a t-shirt. The message made no sense at all, it was a lot of plal.
The translator worked during the bad half of the day. A lot of people must have co complained and my guess is that he camanged.
You camange if you want, I’m still admiring her cans.
Shirt, I must complain about you incomprehensibilitivitationlookinglikeunderstandibility….
Al Ways – isn’t he a DJ?
Go home T-Shirt, you’re drunk.
That’s not Engrish, that’s Thaigrish!
I think I recognize the remains of the word “alcohol” in there. That explains a lot.
gettin toomuch ass? Complain here.
Another fine product from EXVWBZNR, world’s foremost manufacturer of eye charts.
Lyrics to “Come On Alooiomilikeing” by Deaurul’s Midnight Riders.
Oh, dammit. It looks like somebody caught me sleep-talking.
@Big Fat Cat, you ain’t lion.
Your work sys appears to have a virus, probably from watching ass 12 hours a day on infected porn sites.
“Ass 12 hours a day. So you really wanted it?”
Actually no, but I could never tell my ex-boss was like that.
always wonder how they manage to create such beautiful Engrish …
Everyone likes a little ass, but no one likes a smart ass.
That is EXACTLY what I want my tombstone to say.
I’d like to complain. 12 Hours a day! Al ways, al ways. Really, Could we make a camange? This isn’t what I really wanted. So, could you please rotate me out of the Proctology internship?
Those words that make any sense only confuse me.
Ass 12 hours a day would not be a lot. It would be a superaBUNdance.
♫La bella camangeo
La ameixe del plaleo.♪
Nuh! It snot Espanol.
Ass in a can. An idea whose time has come. Twelve hours ago.
My ass asked for evenings off, but I couldn’t find a replacement
Sarcoptic camange, to be precise.
the back of the shirt has the exact same message, except ass is substituted with breasts
Our translator is having an anxiety attack. She thinks she’s going to be fired for incompetennce.
Ass 12hrs a day?
Another inSCREWtable oriental.
Ass 12hrs a day??
If Australian women were that way inclined, there would be 1.5 billion Aussies too.
I totally agree with the shirt. My words exactly.
It was a lot. I don’t remember saying that. Maybe I was joking.
Shallow plal.
Ass 12 hours a day makes Johnny a dull boy.
In the West people get tattoos of Chinese symbols without really understanding what they mean. In the East, people, apparently, think English letters look cool, but likewise have no clue what exactly they mean.
Thai Land will al ways be Thai Land.
“Ass 12 hours a day” belongs on the rear pockets of pants.
Someone slept on the keyboard again, honey.
“You have to have-uh… ASS… in moderation!”
Moral of the story…
Remember kids: Always cans or you camange!
ass. you want it? its yours my friend, as long as you have enough plal
Would any self-respecting kathoey be caught dead in that shirt . . . ?
That escalated quickly.