Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for your dairy life
Event of a smoke, too
Elevator wanted you to know.
Photo courtesy of Chris McMonagle.
Found in low budget hotel in Foshan, China.
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Oh good a building that talks.
In case of flood use the stairs
I got it: no fireworks on the elevator.
The Elevator is also the manager too.
What kind of music does Elevator like?
Event of a love, however, is so allowed. There’s even a camera inside.
Dear Guest,
You’ll do it my way!
Luckily, there’s always a hand grenade nearby…
Because this elevator is a non smoking elevator.
Stairs forbidden by elevator!
Event of office party prohibited by computers.
Alcohol is not good for our healthy.
Now I think I understand the ‘friend from a distance’ reference.
It is nice to know that the building cannot be consumed by fire.
How about flood, famine, pestilence, and plagues of Locusts?
Lighting a match or lighter in this elevator will cause it to say “do not want” and instantly fall at terminal velocity.
Elevator also dislikes smelly people. Please use either deodorant or the stairs.
I’m the elevator and I prohibited this message.
Big lifter is watching you…
Mr. Elevator – you’re FIRED!!
Even if it’s in the fireplace? Oh, this is a low-budget hotel, it’s probably just painted on the wall or something.
ELEVATOR III – Fire of the Machines
Coming soon to a lobby near you.
@Ilock. Music that goes up and down.
♫ Oooh you take me higher
you know it’s true Elevator
you help prevent the fire
they can take the stairs, I’ll catch them later
because you still fuel my desire ♫
My original song to Elevator
Asbeastos Elevator Company.
It has its ups and downs.
Maximum Occupancy : 8 persons; 6 if engulfed in flames.
(DING!) Seventh Circle of Hell – Murder, Suicide and Blasphemy. Please mind your step. (DING!).
“Up your shaft.”
Dear the Fireman,
Sorry you are officially obsolete.
The Lift
– Hello, Receptionist? There is an event of a fire in Room 317. Can I speak to Emergency Exit, please?
The fire must use the stairs like everyone else
That’s why they say: ”Where there’s smoking in the floor, there’s an elevator!”
Unfortunately the elevator has no control over informal meetings of fire.
Dammit! We’ve been building fire stations, installing sprinklers and fire alarms when all along we could’ve just legislated fire out of existence. What fools we’ve been!
So get those matches out of here.
Smoky the Elevator.
The Great and Powerful Otis has spoken!
Goodbye Fire Extinguishers and Sprinklers! Hello Elevators!!
And that’s an order!
Nice to see the elevator is looking out for us.
That is some high-tech elevator!
We should put elevators in the forest
But then… a strange thing happens… our usual overworked skinny Japanese man enters the elevator… but out comes… ELEVATOR MAN!
Rest in fried of pieces by fire Erevator man… he failured…
Well, the Chinese government’s already illegalized Reincarnation without government permission. Forbidding rapid oxidation reactions isn’t that much of a leap.