Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Let's Speech Engrish!
Don’t worry, they sure you
I saved an excellency seat for you.
Also check out the Adult Engrish of the Week!
Photo courtesy of Brian Marsden.
Found at hotel in Shanghai, China.
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BE NOTE: The burning extinguisher occurs out of employee.
So, if a fire breaks out I will be strapped into security belts, scattered, and then transmitted over a network cable? Excellent.
A throne to sit in whilst the building burns how nice
“Beam me up., Scotty.
YOU ARE HERE. (Wherever the hell that is)
Let all panic proceed in an orderley direction.
Fasten your security belts, folks. we’re taking the information corridor to the information superhighway.
In case of fire: So long, succors!
The seat has me decline and now I’m scattering all over corridor.
@Seventy2rd o clock: The employees of the Piss Room, I suppose?
@Droll not Troll: Don’t forget the Ministry of Incontinence officers!
– Your Excellency, there’s fire occurring. Would you like a seat in the first row?
Safety sign found in the transporter room of the starship Enterprise.
All your succor scattering facilities are belong to us!
When you transmitted safely we get signal.
Succor scattering facilities are shown in the Engrish post from 12 Aug 2008 (click my name for link).
thank you for your succor scattering facilities, I have safely transmitted
A fire is occurring? What, me worry?
It does this whenever it is told or else it gets the safety belt again.
OK… who else had to look up the meaning of succor?
Hey, succors! Scatter THESE facilities!
Yeah, jjhitt, I just learned a new word today. I’m a sucker for learning new words like “succor,” even if the readability of that sign pretty much sux0rs.
WARNING: Woman people, don’t let your child people transmit all over the hotel.
@ jjhitt: ”Do you seek aid and succor, gunslinger?”
(Stephen King: The Dark Tower)
Are you going to save me from a fire or take me out and spank me?
@Seventy2rd o clock:
What do you do if you find a woman lying naked in a field?
Give her aid and succor. 😛
@ Droll not Troll: Probably I would lie down with her for a bit. IF she gave me aid, not aids!
Don’t worry if a fire is occurring, our scattering facilities will make sure your ashes are transmitted appropriately to their final resting place.
Are you sure these instructions aren’t for some fancy roller coaster?
Don’t worry if a fire is occurring because it’s in the hotel fireplace.
All i know is that if a tragedy happens…I might as well accept death…..
To find North, head straight down
I profess that is my excellency seat. Now scatter!
A fine system — until along comes an arsonist who begins by burning your excellency seat!
Thus, the cuccor scattering facilities, are when you spit afterwards?
What if the fire is occuring at the information corridor?
That’s one kinky hotel….
We give aid to make sure you transmit safely so you don’t get AIDS!
In case of fire, scatter, and stay calm.
The part where the safeguards take me out really gets me worried!