Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Let's Speech Engrish!
This explains the brown algae
Tastier than Thai shrimp incontinence…
Photo courtesy of Mike S.
Breaded and deep fried hot dog found in China.
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Are you sure the one on the right could be anything
Must be the sauce
Truth in advertising.
Looks worm.
Extra servings of salmonella available on request.
But I bet it still hurts coming out.
It sure looks like the fish had a loose bowel. Maybe the Mexican cartels were using them to transfer drugs.
I think I detected a slight bowel movement
Sure they aren’t bearded clams
In all fairness, I don’t think my bowel would handle this well.
We apologize for the intestines
Oh, s–t!
I think I’ll buy a bowel, Pat!
Even Andrew Zimmern wouldn’t eat that.
Salvage from the Gulf of Mexico after the BP oil spills.
Loose bowel is the worst. Hard to drive.
The bowel became so loose it actually spilled all over hot dogs!
What part of “Don’t drink the water” did you not understand, fish?
It’s more of a warning than a description.
Paula Deen was here.
Don’t worry about your bowels, the heart attach will get you before you ever make it to the bathroom.
This is #2 on my list of exotic dishes to avoid.
Tomorrow’s special will be crap cakes.
Mexico, the fabulous land of hot dog fish and unpredictable digestion.
John Crapenter: The Thing
I heard a rumour about a big phenolphthalein spill off the Mexican coast.
China for Montezuma
So, eat WHAT and die?
For the first time, I don’t think this is engrish…
Finally, someone tells us what is in a hot dog
Excuse me, but someone needs to shave my hot dog first…..
@Droll not Troll: I didn’t really understand your comment but I up-thumbed it because we need to see the word “phenolphthalein” used more often 😉
I knew that Mexico City tap water could do that to you, but apparently even the fish haven’t built up a resistance.
I loose Mexican fish and the Mexican fish loose bowel.
farm-raised with a special diet of plankton and laxatives
I’ll have that with a bottle of dysentery. Put them in a dirty bag, please.
Just the thing for when the in-laws pop in.
@Biff: I wondered how many people would get the ref or look on Wikipedia. Phenolphthalein has many industrial uses and it’s also a laxative. I remembered a story from high school about a kid who put some in a fish tank. I don’t endorse that kind of behaviour!
@demondude777: Is that a euphemism? 😛
No part of that hot dog has anything to do with “Mexican”, “fish” or “loose bowel”
Lo and behold . . . look how cuttlefish becomes Mexican fish (!!)
Damn! I was sure the foreign tourists would eat these up — but they haven’t bought even one. Wonder if the price is too high…
This gives a whole new meaning to the poo-poo platter!
What even IS this food? It looks like breaded deep-fried hot dogs, which can only mean one thing: China has truly surpassed America on the global stage.
Oops, I saw the caption. Patting myself on the back for describing them correctly.