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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Something for the good old boys
Bowel off!
What is Mexico doing in Japan, anyway?
Guatemara, the country next to Berize, Hondulas, and El Sarvador.
Get back to where you once beronged.
Houston, you have a problem!
Pay attention to the spelling of the country’s name. You made the earthquake gods angry!
@Seventy2rd o clock: They’re pushing sales of somblelos and teaching the Japanese La Cucalacha.
@ Droll not Troll : And dlinking Sake Olé?
Houston to Droll not Troll))))))))))))))))))))
10-4, then go back, I repeat GO BACK.
Roger and out.
Mexican Fish Loose Bowel vs. Japanese Dlagon Tight Erection
Mexican go home! Or is it Guatemaran go home? Me so discomboburated!
Go back, Mexico! People are missing your hot dog fish and your loose bowel.
Go back for more guacamore.
They took our jarbs.
Houston is on the Gurf of Mexico.
Ddi you know that Guatemara City is not too far from any one of the forrowing cities . . .
1. San Sarvador, Er Sarvador,
2. Rima Peru,
3. Santiago de Chire,
4. Ra Paz, Borivia,
5. Varencia, Venezuera,
6. Varencia, Corombia,
7. Sao Paoro, Brasir,
8. Ros Angeres, Carifornia
. . . ?
Go home shirt, you’re drunk
irregar immegrants are everywhere!
Is Mexico giving Guatemara the bird?
Leconquest time, Mexico!
what’s wrong with Mexico?
Trump clearly wrote this. Hell, he could have worn this at his inauguration.