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Sudden Laugh! Engrish
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An animal with cigarette buttocks is surely superb, but I don’t want to see it’s “garbage”, no matter if it abandoned it or not.
I definitely recommend this show, although make sure you sit a few seats away from the stage and wear something waterproof
Cigarette buttocks- that’s a nice piece of ash!
Its a real bummer for the animals
Abandon garbage, all ye who has already should not in this area!
Warning: smorking superb animals may be a buttock hazard.
Once I accidentally sat on an ashtray. It gave me a serious case of cigarette buttocks.
– Hey babe, yo’ ass smokin’ like mad!
Do not let a superb animal have buttocks!
Remember the Garbage!
Please save the natural habitat of the Garbage Tiger.
You or not you should never always do something here there or somewhere else please ignore obey this massage
Abandon ye not the garbage, ye cigarette-smokers who enter here!
If the Superb Animal has already, are we not too late ?
That’s like putting the Buttocks before the Cigarette !
Don’t worry, that’s my pet raccoon that likes to smoke. I’ll pick it up later after I get off MY buttocks.
“Gabby Johnson is right – who can argue with logic like that?”
So, it shouldn’t abandon the garbage but has already done it anyway.
Superb animal: the Engrish translation for diva.
Humans are superb animals: walking upright, learning to use fire, knowing how to use tools, creating art and music, finding vaccines for disease, abandoning garbage and cigarettes all over the area when they should not while siting on their buttocks…:-P
The alternative method of smoking.
Guaranteed not to cause Lung-cancer.
Oh, in *this* area. Now I understand.
Cigatettes ARE garbage, & all superb animals, such as antelopes, should abandon them, in this or any area. Butt hold onto your buttocks, you’re gonna need them for the rest of your life.
Buts butts buttocks. Hmmm.
Cigarette buttocks . . . so where is the cigarette dick?
I’ll abandon it if I want to, cigar face!
You can never be too careful around cigarette buttocks. Thanks for the warning.
That explains the funny taste the last time we had Thai take-out.
are you referring superb animal to human?
Superb animal = cigarette-smoking baboon
My friend in Thailand translates it as “Enlightened beings will not throw away trash or cigarette butts in this area,” but she thinks their version is more interesting.
Ass Cigarettes, half the tar, twice the gas.
What if the superb animal is Joe Camel?
When we named the lion this year’s “Superb Animal” – which is a little annual award thing we have at this zoo – he let it go completely to his head and now does nothing but lie around and leave garbage and cigarette buttocks around. That’s why we put up this sign.